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Demons Over the Nations Until the Millennium by Jim Dodson (Free MP3 and PDF)


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Demons Over the Nations Until the Millennium by Jim Dodson (Free MP3 and PDF)


Christ Crushes His Enemies, Converts Nations (and the Jews Are Converted), the Millennium Begins, Etc., by Jim Dodson (Free SWRB MP3 and PDF)

Christ Crushes His Enemies, Converts Nations (and the Jews Are Converted), the Millennium Begins, Etc., by Jim Dodson (Free SWRB MP3 and PDF)

Christ Will Completely Destroy Islam As Prophesied In The Bible, In the Book Of Revelation (Free MP3) by Dr. Steven Dilday

Biblical Prophecy & Postmillennialism 33, Revelation 11, Fall Of the Papacy & Islam by Jim Dodson (Free MP3 and PDF)

Christ Converting Nations In the Future (Biblical Prophecy and Postmillennialism #17, Synoptic Gospels) by Jim Dodson (Free MP3 and PDF)

Perfect Historical Fulfillments Of Prophecies, In the Book of Revelation, Regarding the Rise, Expansion and Fall Of Islam

Islam in Revelation: An Historic Look at Protestant Eschatological Thought on the Rise and Fall of Islam by E. B. Elliott, Alexander M'Leod, David Steele et al.

    It does seem that the fourth iron kingdom was in fact both the pre-Papal and the pre-Islamic undivided Pagan Roman Empire, as well as the later Western-Roman Papal and the contemporaneous Eastern-Roman Islamic Empire into which it then subdivided. Indeed, both 'Mahomet' and 'the Pope' -- as we have already seen -- Dr. Calvin called 'the two horns of Antichrist.' Thus they correspond to the two legs of the later Roman Empire - Islam and the Papacy. - Dr. Francis Nigel Lee, Calvin on Islam (2000), emphases added

    In fact, when the classic historicist position is studied, the fulfillment in the case of Islam and Revelation chapter nine is seen to be so striking and well attested that 'even advocates of other approaches who are adamant in their rejection of the historicist system of interpretation have admitted the convincing nature of this particular identification'" - Steve Gregg, commenting on Revelation 9:1-6 in Revelation: Four Views: A Parallel Commentary, p. 176, emphases added).

    ISIS Repeats the Atrocities of Muhammad Step by Step

    Excerpt (emphases added): It still amazes me how the media will tell a horrific story about the brutal actions of ISIS but have absolutely no idea that ISIS following Muhammad's example to the letter. Let's look at an example.

    After the Meccans gave up at the Battle of the Trench, the Muslims went home. That's when "Gabriel" came to Muhammad and ordered him to attack the Jewish tribe of Qurayza. After the Jews surrendered, Muhammad separated the men from the women and children from the grown men, brought the grown men to a trench, beheaded somewhere between 600 and 900 men, turned the women into sex slaves, and enslaved the children. Here's a passage:

    Then they surrendered, and the apostle confined them in Medina in the quarter of d. al-Harith, a woman of B. al-Najjar. Then the apostle went out to the market of Medina (which is still its market today) and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for them and struck off their heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him in batches. Among them was the enemy of Allah Huyayy b. Akhtab and Ka`b b. Asad their chief. There were 600 or 700 in all, though some put the figure as high as 800 or 900. As they were being taken out in batches to the apostle they asked Ka`b what he thought would be done with them. He replied, 'Will you never understand? Don't you see that the summoner never stops and those who are taken away do not return? By Allah it is death!' This went on until the apostle made an end of them. Huyayy was brought out wearing a flowered robe in which he had made holes about the size of the finger-tips in every part so that it should not be taken from him as spoil, with his hands bound to his neck by a rope. When he saw the apostle he said, 'By God, I do not blame myself for opposing you, but he who forsakes God will be forsaken.' Then he went to the men and said, 'God's command is right. A book and a decree, and massacre have been written against the Sons of Israel.' Then he sat down and his head was struck off. (Ibn Ishaq, 464)

    A bit later we read: "The apostle had ordered that every adult of theirs should be killed" (p. 465). How did Muhammad know who had reached puberty and who hadn't? Someone who survived the ordeal tells us: The women and children were divided among the Muslims, and some of the women were traded for weapons:

    Then the apostle divided the property, wives, and children of B. Qurayza among the Muslims, and he made known on that day the shares of horse and men, and took out the fifth. . . . Then the apostle sent Sa'd b. Zayd al-Ansari brother of b. Abdul-Ashhal with some of the captive women of B. Qurayza to Najd and he sold them for horses and weapons. (Ibn Ishaq, 466)

    Now let's read an article about ISIS rounding up Yazidis and Christians, separating the women and children from the men, checking the pubes of young people to make sure they hadn't reached puberty, killing around 800 men, and taking the women and girls away as sex slaves.

    Sound familiar? Not to the media, who are gagged by their own cowardice.

    Daily Mail-A Yazidi refugee and his two nephews have told how they had to play dead to survive after they were rounded up, forced to stand next to a ditch and shot by laughing ISIS soldiers in a massacre which killed 800.

    Once ISIS overran their town last August, the Yazidis were herded into a school and their armpits were inspected.

    The women and girls were put on one side of the hall, to be taken away as sex slaves, while the men were lined up on the other.

    Those with underarm hair were judged to be older than ten - and old enough to be murdered.

    The 'men' were then split into two groups; those willing to convert to Islam and those who wanted to remain Christians.

    The Christians were told that they would be taken to the Sinjar mountains and freed.

    But it was a trick - and instead they were put into trucks and taken to killing fields around the village of Kojo, northern Iraq, where they were made to stand by mass graves and executed.

    Khalaf - whose name has been changed to protect his identity - told how he was one of 800 men shot at, but survived.

    He was too scared to move or even breathe as he laid, covered in blood from other victims, as dead bodies fell on top of him.

    Khalaf's two brothers were murdered that day, but his two nephews Kameel and Jamal, again, not their real names, lived by laying in the grave for hours while soldiers walked along checking for survivors.

    If they found anyone still alive they were shot in the head to be sure they were dead.

    A man lying next to Khalaf in the ditch was found by an ISIS fighter to still be breathing, so he was shot three times in the head.

    Speaking from a refugee camp in Iraq, Khalaf, 42, told MailOnline: 'They [ISIS] took everybody to the big school inside Kojo. They took everything from us - telephones, money, gold.'

    The jihadis ordered men and boys over the age of 10 to stand on the right and women and other children on the left.

    'They tested to see if the boys had underarm hair,' he said.

    The fanatics used this crude test to determine whether the Yazidi boys were old enough to be slaughtered. (Continue Reading.)

    ISIS Is Obeying the Koran & Muhammad (Free Christian Books, MP3s, etc.)

    Demonstrates how and why the Islamic State is following the Koran and Muhammad, contrary to the lies told by Godless politicians, the Godless media and others.

    Muslim's (Islam) Persecuting and Murdering Christians, Even Beheading Christian Children (Free MP3, Videos, etc.)

    As usual SWRB does not necessarily agree with every point made in every resources to which we link, we only agree with that which is in accord with the Bible.