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Objections To Christ's Resurrection Answered


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Objections To Christ's Resurrection Answered


300x250-Scott-SGS- green Objections To Christ's Resurrection Answered, and the Lord Conquering All His Enemies by Greg Price (Free MP3)

Objections To Christ's Resurrection Answered, and the Lord Conquering All His Enemies by Greg Price (Free PDF)

A Biblical Defense of the Resurrection of Christ by Voddie Baucham (Free MP3)

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a Cardinal doctrine of the Christian faith. According the Paul's argument in 1 Corinthians 15, those who deny the resurrection have denied Christianity. There is no Christianity without the resurrection. Paul offers three arguments; the argument from authority, the argument from evidence, and the argument from logic, to refute those who deny the resurrection while attempting to embrace Christianity.


Jim Dodson Reformed Presbyterian Scholar The Resurrection by Brian Schwertley (16 Free MP3s)

Resurrection -- Christ the Firstfruits by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)

The Certainty Of Christ's Resurrection and Vain Attempts To Keep Christ In The Grave by Greg Price (Free MP3)

Objections To Christ's Resurrection Answered, and the Lord Conquering All His Enemies by Greg Price (Free PDF)

Christ's Resurrection Power by Greg Price (Free MP3)

The Resurrected Christ and The Great Commission by Greg Price (Free MP3)

120x600-McMahon-top Why God Hates Easter, One Of the Papal Antichrist's Obligatory High Holy Days by Brian Schwertley, Greg Price, William Perkins, Dr. Dilday, Dr. McMahon, Kevin Reed, et al. (Free MP3s, Books, etc.)

Easter: Of Christ or Antichrist? (Free Reformation Resources)

Christmas, Easter, Good Friday, Immaculate Conception, Ash Wednesday, Assumption of Mary, Are Unbiblical Roman Catholic Holy Days by Pastor Brian Schwertley (Free MP3)

Easter is the principal feast of the ecclesiastical year. (Pope - ed.) Leo I (Sermo xlvii in Exodum) calls it the greatest feast (festum festorum), and says that Christmas is celebrated only in preparation for Easter. It is the centre of the greater part of the ecclesiastical year.

- The Catholic Encyclopedia, "Easter" Article, emphases added


In 1899, the General Assembly of the PCUS was overtured to give a "pronounced and explicit deliverance" against the recognition of "Christmas and Easter as religious days." Even at this late date, the answer came back in a solid manner:

There is no warrant in Scripture for the observance of Christmas and Easter as holydays, rather the contrary (see Gal. 4:9-11; Col. 2:16-21), and such observance is contrary to the principles of the Reformed faith, conducive to will-worship, and not in harmony with the simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

- From: Kevin Reed, Christmas: An Historical Survey Regarding Its Origins and Opposition To It, emphases added.

Easter Is Not Biblical - It Is A Superstitious Pagan and Roman Catholic Holy Day (Free MP3s, Books, etc.)

History of Holy Days (Sabbath/Lord's Day, Christmas, Easter, etc.) by Dr. Steven Dilday (Free Reformed MP3s)








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"Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing." - Philippians 3:16, which applies just as much to the family, the church and the state, as it does to the individual.




Are You Looking For A Covenanter Church Or Are You Interested In Covenanter Worship (Along The Lines Of The Original Intent Of The Westminster Standards)? If So, Please Email Pastor Greg Price At [email protected] For More Information About How To Take Part In A Covenanter Service, From Your Location, Via Conference Call. Over 600 Free MP3 Sermons By Greg Price Are Also At



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