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Why Most Worship Is Actually Idolatry, Which God Hates, According To the Bible


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Why Most Worship Is Actually Idolatry, Which God Hates, According To the Bible


We Must All Appear Before the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5:10) - A Great Scottish Covenanter Sermon On the Final Judgment, by William Guthrie (Free SWRB MP3 Read By Pastor Jim Dodson)

Arminianism In Worship Is Idolatry and Will Worship, and Leads To the Papal Antichrist, by Pastor Greg Price (Free MP3)

What's Wrong With Worship In Most Churches -- False Worship (Violations Of the Second Commandment Or the Regulative Principle of Worship) and Well Intentioned Idolatry Brings God's Wrath and Even Death, by Pastor Jim Dodson, John Owen, Jonathan Edwards, Pastor Greg Price, John Calvin, Kevin Reed, David Steele, Pastor W.J. Mencarow, John Flavel, Dr. Steven Dilday, John Girardeau, John McNaugher and Others (Free MP3s, Videos, Books, Kindle, Etc.)

Why Most Worship Is Actually Idolatry, Which God Hates, According To the Bible (the Second Commandment Or The Regulative Principle Of Worship, RPW) By Jim Dodson, John Calvin, Greg Price, the Westminster Assembly, Dr. Steven Dilday, John Owen, W.J. Mencarow, Jonathan Edwards, Kevin Reed, Thomas Watson and Others (Free MP3s, Videos, Etc.)