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Why Psychology & Psychiatry Are Anti-Christian by Dr. Voddie Baucham, Dr. John MacArthur, Dr. Richard Ganz, Dr. Reg Barrow, et al. (Free Christian Resources)


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Why Psychology & Psychiatry Are Anti-Christian by Dr. Voddie Baucham, Dr. John MacArthur, Dr. Richard Ganz, Dr. Reg Barrow, et al. (Free Christian Resources)




Why Psychology & Psychiatry Are Anti-Christian by Dr. Voddie Baucham, Dr. John MacArthur, Dr. Richard Ganz, Dr. Reg Barrow, et al. (Free Christian Resources)


Scroll down for free Christian MP3s, books, and articles on the dangers of Psychiatry and Psychology by Dr. John MacArthur, Dr. Voddie Baucham, Dr. Richard Ganz, Dr. Reg Barrow, et al.


John MacArthur Graphic
Dr. John MacArthur

"The stampede to embrace the doctrines of secular psychology may be the most serious threat to the life of the church today."




"But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."


- 1 Corinthians 2:14 (KJV) 


"Psychology prides itself on being a science, it is not, it is a occult religion."


- Dr. Richard Ganz (former clinical psychologist, now a Reformed Pastor, church planter, seminary president and professor, biblical counselor, etc.) as cited from the free MP3, Self-Esteem: Myth or Marvel


Dr. Richard Ganz

"The issue is the philosophical shift in the church, specifically, the shift in the church to postmodernism. As a pastor and former (recovering) clinical psychologist, this shift is easy for me to see because postmodernism has chosen psychology as the vessel for its nihilistic epiphany, to which the masses have willingly bowed the knee."


- Dr. Richard Ganz, Ecclesiasticus Rex, 1998, Ligonier Ministries, Tabletalk Magazine


"True psychology (i.e. "the study of the soul") can be done only by Christians, since only Christians have the resources for understanding and transforming the soul. The secular discipline of psychology is based on godless assumptions and evolutionary foundations and is capable of dealing with people only superficially and only on the temporal level. [Footnote: Cf. the comments of a psychological counselor cited in Bobgan, PsychoHeresy 5-6.: "At the present time there is no acceptable Christian psychology that is markedly different from non-Christian psychology. It is difficult to imply that we function in a manner that is fundamentally distinct from our non-Christian colleagues."]. The Puritans, long before the arrival of godless psychology, identified their ministry with people as "soul work." Scripture is the manual for all "soul work" and is so comprehensive in the diagnosis and treatment of every spiritual matter that, energized by the Holy Spirit in the believer, it leads to making one like Jesus Christ. This is the process of biblical sanctification."


- John MacArthur, THE PSYCHOLOGY EPIDEMIC AND ITS CURE. This essay is adapted from Chapter 3 of John F. MacArthur, Jr., Our Sufficiency in Christ, Waco, TX:  Word, 1991, pp. 55-77, emphases added).


Puritan-Hard-Dr...-250x250-C.jpg "Christian psychology" as the expression is used today is an oxymoron. The word psychology no longer speaks of studying the soul. Instead it describes a diverse menagerie of therapies and theories that are fundamentally humanistic. The presuppositions and most of the doctrine of psychology cannot be successfully integrated with Christian truth. In addition, the infusion of psychology into the teaching of the church has blurred the line between behavior modification and sanctification. The path to wholeness is the path of spiritual sanctification. It is foolish to exchange the Wonderful Counselor, the spring of living water, for the sensual wisdom of earth and the stagnant water of behaviorism. The Lord Jesus reacted in a perfect and holy way to every temptation, trial, and trauma in life -- the most severe ones that any human life could ever suffer. It should be clear that perfect victory over all life's troubles must be the result of being like Christ. No "soul worker" can lift another above the level of spiritual maturity he is on. So the supreme qualification for psychologists would be Christlikeness. If one is a truly Christian psychologist, he must do soul work in the realm of the deep things of the Word and the Spirit and not be following around in the shallows of behavior modification. Why should a believer choose to do behavior modification when he has the tools for spiritual transformation? This would be like a surgeon wreaking havoc with a butter knife instead of using a scalpel. The most skilled counselor is the one who most carefully, prayerfully, and faithfully applies the divine spiritual resources to the process of sanctification, shaping another into the image of Jesus Christ.


- John MacArthur, THE PSYCHOLOGY EPIDEMIC AND ITS CURE, emphases added


"Psychology is a cult, a Humanist cult, born in the very depths of Hell -- and holding high a cup full of anti-Christian monstrosities and murdered souls. To attempt to mix this vile demonic deception with the truth of the Bible is an abomination, and will ultimately be met with the judgment and wrath of God."


- Dr. Reg Barrow, President, Still Waters Revival Books


The depth to which "sanctified" psychotherapy can sink is quite profound. A local newspaper recently featured an article about a thirty-four-bed clinic that has opened in Southern California to treat "Christian sex addicts." (The article does not explain the reasons for beds in this kind of clinic.) According to the account, the clinic is affiliated with a large and well-known Protestant church in the area. Its staff comprises specialists described as "real pioneers in the area [of sexual addiction]. These are all legitimate, licensed psychotherapists who happen to have a strong Christian orientation to therapy," according to the director. 


Dr. C. Matthew McMahon Puritan Hard Drive Quote GraphicDoes their "Christian" orientation happen to be solid enough to allow these psychotherapists to admit that lasciviousness is sin? Evidently not. Interviews with several of them were in the article. They consistently used the terms illness, problem, conflict, compulsive behavior, treatment, and therapy. Words with moral overtones were carefully avoided. Sin and repentance were never mentioned. 


Worse than this, these so-called experts scoffed at the power of God's Word to transform a heart and break the bondage of sexual sin. The article quoted the center's program director as he explained why he believes his treatment center specifically for Christians is essential: "There are some groups of Christians who believe the Bible is all you need."


That statement is the echo of neo-gnosticism. Belittling those who believe the Bible is sufficient, these latter-day "clouds without water" (Jude 12) insist that they are privy to a higher, more sophisticated secret knowledge that holds the real answer to what troubles the human soul. Christians must not be intimidated by their false claims. No higher knowledge, no hidden truth, nothing besides the all-sufficient resources that are in Christ exists that can change the human heart.


Any counselor who wants to honor God and be effective must see the goal of his efforts as leading a person to the sufficiency of Christ. The view that man is capable of solving his own problems, or that people can help one another by "therapy" or other merely human means, denies the doctrine of human depravity and man's need for God. It replaces the Spirit's transforming power with impotent human wisdom.


- John MacArthur, THE PSYCHOLOGY EPIDEMIC AND ITS CURE, emphases added


There are 300 Reformed resources under the category"Cults, False Religions, Psychology, Humanism" on the Puritan Hard Drive. A search for the word "Psychology", using the Master Search index on the Puritan Hard Drive, brings up 364 results in 75 documents, and a search for the word "Psychiatry", using the Master Search index on the Puritan Hard Drive, brings up8 results in 3 documents -- all of which give you the search term in the context of one line (under each book title in which they are found), and when you click on this line the Puritan Hard Drive opens the correct book, to the correct page, and highlights your search term.


Free Christian Resources On the Dangers and Anti-Christian nature of Psychology and Psychiatry by Dr. Voddie Baucham, Dr. John MacArthur, Dr. Richard Ganz, et al.


Dr. Voddie Baucham Puritan Hard Drive Quote Graphic The Dangers of Psychology and Psychiatry (Nebuchadnezzar Loses His Mind) by Dr. Voddie Baucham (Free MP3. Very insightful!)


Secular Psychology and "Christian" Psychology Versus Biblical Counseling (FREE MP3s, Books and Articles)


The Psychology Epidemic and Its Cure by John MacArthur (Free PDF)


Self-Esteem: Myth or Marvel by Dr. Richard Ganz (Free MP3. Exceptionally useful!)


Secular Psychology and Christianity: Two World Views by Dr. Richard Ganz (Free MP3)


How John Calvin Led Me to Repent of Christian Psychology by Pastor Steven J. Cole (Must reading!)


Dr. Richard Ganz Testimony (from clinical psychologist, to Reformed Presbyterian Pastor, church planter, seminary president and professor, biblical counselor, etc.) by Richard Ganz (2 Free MP3s)


PSYCHOHERESY: The Psychological Seduction of Christianity by Martin and Deidre Bobgan (Free eBook)


Can a Christian work as a psychologist? Should Christians integrate psychological and biblical methods? by Dr. Richard Ganz (Web, Article) 


Psychology Debunked: Revealing the Overcoming Life (Paperback on

Former mental health professional and former psychotherapist Lisa Bazler and her husband Ryan sound an alarm to help seekers, exposing the true nature of psychology and its impact on the church. Readers discover shocking truths about psychotherapy, 12-step programs, Christian psychology and psychiatric medications. Readers also learn how the beliefs and practices of modern psychology differ from those of biblical Christianity. The Bazlers offer clear, easy-to-understand, biblical advice on how to overcome depression, anxiety, hyperactivity, addiction, family dysfunction, and other common problems of living. Psychology Debunked -- the truth behind psychotherapy, mental health, depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD, bipolar, self-esteem, Christian counseling, 12-step programs, support groups, psychiatric medications, disorders, addictions, diseases and illnesses.


Richard Bennet Puritan Hard Drive QUote Graphic PsychoBabble: The Failure of Modern Psychology and the Biblical Alternative by Dr. Richard Ganz (16 Free MP3s)

'Why is it many evangelical preachers shout from the pulpit about God's power, but then shuffle their emotionally troubled members off to the closest therapist? Both church leaders and lay persons seem to believe that the psychological 'experts' have the answers for the wounded hearts and souls of God's people. And when churches do offer counseling, it often is tinged with the secular psychology and psychotherapy that have infiltrated the church. Psychobabble explains the dichotomy between secular and Biblical counseling and shows the danger of incorporating secular techniques into a Christian approach. This book will arm believers looking for Scriptural answers to the hurts of a broken world. As anti-Christian bias becomes increasingly pervasive in secular psychology, the church must look to the true source of all healing. This book will point the way.' (Back cover). "Dr. Ganz threads through all the sticky issues as he confronts the psychological demigods of the Christian integrationists' pantheon and exposes their feet of clay. For those who have wondered whether the integration of secular psychotherapy with the revelation of God in the Bible is possible--here is your answer." - Dr. Jay Adams, professor, Westminster Theological Seminary


"The Myth of Integration" by Dr. Richard Ganz, chapter five of PsychoBabble: The Failure of Modern Psychology and the Biblical Alternative(Free PDF)


PsychoBabble: The Failure of Modern Psychology and the Biblical Alternative by Dr. Richard Ganz, Foreword by Dr. John MacArthur (Paperback on


The Christian Counselor's Manual: The Practice of Nouthetic Counseling by Jay Adams (hardcover on

The Christian Counselor's Manual is a companion and sequel to the author's influential Competent to Counsel. It takes the approach of nouthetic counseling introduced in the earlier volume and applies it to a wide range of issues, topics, and techniques in counseling: Who is qualified to be a counselor?*How can counselees change? How does the Holy Spirit work? What role does hope play? What is the function of language? How do we ask the right questions? What often lies behind depression? How do we deal with anger? What is schizophrenia? These and hundreds more questions are answered in this comprehensive resource for the Christian counselor. A full set of indexes, a detailed table of contents, and a full complement of diagrams and forms make this an outstanding reference book for Christian counselors.


Amazon's Complete Selection of Jay Edward Adams' Books




Voddie Baucham Graphic
Dr. Voddie Baucham
"I want you to know that I have enjoyed my Puritan Hard Drive immensely.

I simply could not have imagined such a resource before getting my hands on it!


To have that much information from a consistent, biblical, orthodox, and gospel-centered point of view is simply astonishing.


Anyone who admires the Puritans simply must have the Puritan Hard Drive.


From Pastors to Ph.D. candidates, there is simply nothing else out there that puts so much at your fingertips.


What an amazing tool for pastors... thank you for your work. Soli Deo Gloria!"


- Dr. Voddie Baucham (Many free MP3s at


Pastor Greg Price Reviews & Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

"The stampede to embrace the doctrines of secular psychology may be the most serious threat to the life of the church today. These doctrines are a mass of human ideas that Satan has placed in the church as though they were powerful life-changing truths from God. Most psychologists epitomize neo-gnosticism, claiming to have secret knowledge for solving people's real problems. Some of them even claim to perform a therapeutic technique they call "Christian counseling" when, in reality, they are using secular theory with biblical references tacked on to treat spiritual problems." - John MacArthur, THE PSYCHOLOGY EPIDEMIC AND ITS CURE (PDF)


"'Mental and emotional health' is a new buzzword. It is not a biblical concept, though many seem to equate it with spiritual wholeness. Sin is called sickness, so people think it requires therapy, not repentance. Habitual sin is called addictive or compulsive behavior, and many surmise its solution is medical care rather than moral correction. Human therapies are embraced most eagerly by the spiritually weak, those who are shallow or ignorant of biblical truth and who are unwilling to accept the path of suffering that leads to spiritual maturity and deeper communion with God. The unfortunate effect is that these people remain immature, held back by a self-imposed dependence on some FREE PURITAN SOFTWARE JOHN OWEN.jpgpseudo-Christian method or psycho-quackery that actually stifles real growth. The more secular psychology influences the church, the further people move from a biblical perspective on problems and solutions. One-on-one therapists are replacing the Word, God's chief means of grace (1 Cor 1:21; Heb 4:12). The counsel these professionals dispense is often spiritually disastrous." -  John MacArthur, THE PSYCHOLOGY EPIDEMIC AND ITS CURE (PDF)



Psychology Versus Christianity (Free MP3s, Books & Videos)

Open Bible Graphic"According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue." - 2 Peter 1:3 (KJV)


Secular Psychology and "Christian" Psychology Versus Biblical Counseling (many free online resources)


120x600-Johnson-PHD-Best-Orange-Nicene "True psychology (i.e. "the study of the soul") can be done only by Christians, since only Christians have the resources for understanding and transforming the soul. The secular discipline of psychology is based on godless assumptions and evolutionary foundations and is capable of dealing with people only superficially and only on the temporal level. [Footnote: Cf. the comments of a psychological counselor cited in Bobgan, PsychoHeresy 5-6.: "At the present time there is no acceptable Christian psychology that is markedly different from non-Christian psychology. It is difficult to imply that we function in a manner that is fundamentally distinct from our non-Christian colleagues."]. The Puritans, long before the arrival of godless psychology, identified their ministry with people as "soul work." Scripture is the manual for all "soul work" and is so comprehensive in the diagnosis and treatment of every spiritual matter that, energized by the Holy Spirit in the believer, it leads to making one like Jesus Christ. This is the process of biblical sanctification." -  John MacArthur, THE PSYCHOLOGY EPIDEMIC AND ITS CURE (PDF). (This essay is adapted from Chapter 3 of John F. MacArthur, Jr., Our Sufficiency in Christ [Waco, TX:  Word, 1991] 55-77).


"But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Corinthians 2:14).


SWRB does not endorse everything believed by the authors or ministers in the resources listed in this email, but maintains that there is much of value in the articles, quotes, books and MP3s listed in regard to both secular and so-called "Christian" psychology -- and the detrimental effects they have on individual Christians and the church.


"AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION: Pedophilia has been re-defined in the American Psychiatric Association's latest Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV), says the National Association of Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH). Pedophiles are no longer classified as pedophiles if they merely fantasize about children or molest them, according to the NARTH Bulletin. They are only pedophiles if they show "clinically significant distress" about their behavior. The DSM-IV declares that pedophilia is not pathological unless the pedophiles feel guilt or cannot function in a major area of their lives, reports NARTH." (Reading: "Pedophilia Not Always a Disorder?" NARTH Bulletin, Vol. 3, #1, 4/95, pp. 1, 3, also see "The Problem of Pedophilia")

Psychology Debunked Book Cover
Psychology Debunked


BOOK: Psychology Debunked by Lisa and Ryan Bazler


Can Psychology Help You Solve Your Problems?

For over a century, psychology has offered answers to people seeking help with problems of living. But are those answers reliable?


A Former Industry Insider Wants You to Know the Truth.

Drawing from years of experience in the field, Lisa Bazler evaluates the claims, beliefs and practices of secular and Christian psychology. She not only exposes fallacies and failures, but more importantly, she points the way to true healing and fulfillment.


Whether you're searching for personal solutions, or know someone who needs help, this book offers practical and effective counsel based on sound biblical principles.


Come and Discover the Overcoming Life.

      • Know the true causes and cures of depression, anxiety, hyperactivity, addiction, family dysfunction and other common problems of living.
      • Learn why secular and Christian psychotherapy, twelve-step programs and support groups aren't the answer.
      • Understand the severe dangers of psychiatric drugs that your doctor doesn't tell you.
      • Discover how the power of God can begin to transform your life today.

Psychology Debunked -- the truth behind psychotherapy, mental health, depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD, bipolar, self-esteem, Christian counseling, 12-step programs, support groups, Prozac, Ritalin, Paxil, Zoloft, Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan, Dexedrine, Adderall, Effexor, Luvox, Elavil, Pamelor, Valium, Dalmane, lithium, Depakote, Haldol, Risperdal, Navane, Clozaril, Zyprexa, disorders, addictions, diseases and illnesses.


Former mental health professional Lisa Bazler and her husband Ryan sound an alarm to help seekers, exposing the true nature of psychology and its impact on the church. Readers discover shocking truths about psychotherapy, 12-step programs, Christian psychology and psychiatric medications. Readers also learn how the beliefs and practices of modern psychology differ from those of biblical Christianity.


PsychoBabble Book Cover
PsychoBabble: The Failure of Modern Psychology and the Biblical Alternative

Psychobabble: The Failure of Modern Psychology and the Biblical Alternative (16 Free MP3s) by Richard Ganz


Why is it many evangelical preachers shout from the pulpit about God's power, but then shuffle their emotionally troubled members off to the closest therapist?


Both church leaders and lay persons seem to believe that the psychological 'experts' have the answers for the wounded hearts and souls of God's people. And when churches do offer counseling, it often is tinged with the secular psychology and psychotherapy that have infiltrated the church.


Psychobabble explains the dichotomy between secular and Biblical counseling and shows the danger of incorporating secular techniques into a Christian approach.


This book will arm believers looking for Scriptural answers to the hurts of a broken world. As anti-Christian bias becomes increasingly pervasive in secular psychology, the church must look to the true source of all healing. This book will point the way.


- Back cover of Psychobabble: The Failure of Modern Psychology (Foreword by John MacArthur)


Dr. Ganz threads through all the sticky issues as he confronts the psychological demigods of the Christian integrationists' pantheon and exposes their feet of clay. For those who have wondered whether the integration of secular psychotherapy with the revelation of God in the Bible is possible--here is your answer.


- Dr. Jay Adams, Professor, Westminster Theological Seminary


Dr. David Hindle Graphic My goal in this book is to help readers understand that the counseling concepts woven into psychoanalysis (and its secular psychotherapeutic offshoots) are inherently opposed to the Word of God. My approach will be to reveal the direct conflict between secular philosophies and Biblical principles and to strip back to its ugly roots the psychotherapy that the church has baptized and embraced. My hope is that the church will stop shuffling her hurting and broken members to the 'experts' who lack the power and perspective of the Word of God, that pastors will instead seize the opportunities to teach, rebuke, correct, and train in righteousness a people fit for service to King Jesus.


- Richard Ganz


Richard L. Ganz, Ph.D., former clinical psychologist who previously served on the clinical psychiatry faculty at Upstate Medial Center in Syracuse, N.Y., and who was an adjunct faculty member at Syracuse University. Dr. Ganz also spent five years working with Dr. Jay Adams at the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation in Philadelphia. He is now a pastor in the Ottawa Reformed Presbyterian Church and president of Ottawa Theological Hall in Canada.

Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation Resources (CCEF at Monergism Books)


Click here for much more free information against psychology and other resources by Dr. Ganz. 


A "must listen" free (audio) MP3: Self-Esteem: Myth or Marvel by Richard Ganz


How John Calvin Led Me to Repent of Christian Psychology by Pastor Steven J. Cole (Must reading!)

John Calvin Color Graphic
John Calvin


"Christian psychology" as the expression is used today is an oxymoron. The word psychology no longer speaks of studying the soul. Instead it describes a diverse menagerie of therapies and theories that are fundamentally humanistic. The presuppositions and most of the doctrine of psychology cannot be successfully integrated with Christian truth. In addition, the infusion of psychology into the teaching of the church has blurred the line between behavior modification and sanctification. The path to wholeness is the path of spiritual sanctification. It is foolish to exchange the Wonderful Counselor, the spring of living water, for the sensual wisdom of earth and the stagnant water of behaviorism. The Lord Jesus reacted in a perfect and holy way to every temptation, trial, and trauma in life -- the most severe ones that any human life could ever suffer. It should be clear that perfect victory over all life's troubles must be the result of being like Christ. No "soul worker" can lift another above the level of spiritual maturity he is on. So the supreme qualification for psychologists would be Christlikeness. If one is a truly Christian psychologist, he must do soul work in the realm of the deep things of the Word and the Spirit and not be following around in the shallows of behavior modification. Why should a believer choose to do behavior modification when he has the tools for spiritual transformation? This would be like a surgeon wreaking havoc with a butter knife instead of using a scalpel. The most skilled counselor is the one who most carefully, prayerfully, and faithfully applies the divine spiritual resources to the process of sanctification, shaping another into the image of Jesus Christ. - John MacArthur, THE PSYCHOLOGY EPIDEMIC AND ITS CURE (PDF).


Psychology vs. Christianity and the Bible



Brain Schwertley Color Graphic
Brian Schwertley

Psychology vs. Bible (Part 1 of 26) by Warren Sprouse (26 MP3s in this series)


The Bible and Psychology by Jim Savastio (12 MP3s)


Self-Esteem: Myth or Marvel by Dr. Richard Ganz


How to Solve Any Problem Biblicaly by Dr. Richard Ganz


A Testimony of Conversion #1 by Dr. Richard Ganz (Dr. Richard Ganz, when he was a psychologist (shortly after he became a Christian), was fired for sharing the Gospel with his patients. This story and many others are recounted in this stirring testimony to the sovereign grace of God.)


A Testimony of Conversion #2 by Dr. Richard Ganz


Smashing Anxiety for a Life of Joy by Dr. Richard Ganz


How To Face Any Problem #1 by Dr. Richard Ganz (four MP3s)


Developing Domination Over Depression by Dr. Richard Ganz


Solving Marital Problems (Part 1) by Brian Schwertley (three MP3s)


When Life HURTS -- Is Depression a Sin? by Dr. John Barnett


Psychology vs. Christianity & the Bible (FREE ARTICLES)


Competent-to-Counsel-Jay-Adams-Book-Cover.jpg Take Your Thoughts Captive by Richard Ganz 


Is Good Self-Esteem Important for a Christian, and How Is It Developed? by David J. Engelsma 


The End of "Christian Psychology" 


Counseling Encourages Talebearing  

The Biblical View of Self-Esteem (PDF,

Chapters 6, 7, and 10 from the book of the same name, from Chapel Library) 



Psychobabble: The Failure of Modern Psychology and the Biblical Alternative by Dr. Richard Ganz (eBook and printed) 


The Biblical View of Self-Esteem, Self-Love, Self-Image by Dr. Jay Adams  

A Treatise of Self-Denial by Richard Baxter


Competent to Counsel: Introduction to Nouthetic Counseling by Jay Adams


Christian Counselor's Manual: The Practice of Nouthetic Counseling by Dr. Jay Adams  


More books by Dr. Jay Adams on biblical counseling


A Christian Directory by Richard Baxter

Over 950 (8.5 inch by 11 inch) pages long, Dr. Timothy Keller calls this "the greatest manual on Biblical counseling ever produced." John MacAurthur writes, "We have long waited for a purely Biblical treatment of the spiritual ills and cures of men which is untainted by the views of psychology. Since Baxter lived about 200 years before psychology arrived, his deep work is completely void of its encroachment -- thankfully!"


This book is also available on Puritan Hard Drive.


"Wow! The Puritan Hard Drive is fantastic! What a gift to Christ's church! I love my Puritan Hard Drive!" - D.M. (CA, USA)


Cults, False Religions, Psychology, Humanism at Still Waters Revival Books


Secular Psychology and "Christian" Psychology Versus Biblical Counseling (many free online resources)





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Richard Bennett Graphic
Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett on the Puritan Hard Drive


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Would you like to volunteer some of your time to read classic Puritan and Reformed books and sermons to MP3, to make permanent digital audio versions of the best Puritan and Reformed books for our generation and for posterity? If so, we then list the Puritan and Reformed MP3s you have read on the Web, to give them away for free to people in every nation of the world - and, by God's grace, we reach between 45,000 to over 100,000 people each month with these free Puritan and Reformation MP3s! You may listen to other readings, by people just like yourself (who love the Lord and want to reach others with the love of the Lord Jesus Christ and the truth of His holy Word, the Bible) at FREE PURITAN & REFORMATION MP3 AUDIO SERMONS/BOOKS and from our "Audio Book" section on SWRB's sermonaudio site. You may also use the FREE SWRB iPHONE, iPAD, iPOD (Touch) APP to listen. It is very easy to get started with your new  international Reformation reading ministry, just email us at requesting our "PURITAN and REFORMED BOOK READER INSTRUCTIONS." Thank you!


Pastor Andrew Compton Reviews & Recommends the Puritan Hard DriveIt may also be of interest to you to know that at SWRB we strive to use as much of the proceeds from sales, as is possible, to produce more free and discounted Puritan books, Reformation MP3s and Calvinistic videos. This is how, by God's grace, we have published so many books, MP3s and videos over the years (with a relatively small staff and the help of volunteers) and why we are able to distribute so much material for free and at such low prices - may our Lord get all the glory! With your continued prayers, support and purchases we will be able to reach even more people, in the future, all around the world with the truth of the Scriptures - using the latest and best technologies available, in the service of the Lord, to greatly multiply all the good that can be done, and aiming to fill the world with the best Christian (Puritan and Reformation) resources available (Acts 17:6).


Voddie Baucham Graphic

Dr. Voddie Baucham, Voddie Baucham Ministries


"I want you to know that I have enjoyed my Puritan Hard Drive immensely. 


I simply could not have imagined such a resource before getting my hands on it!
To have that much information from a consistent, biblical, orthodox, and gospel-centered point of view is
simply astonishing.
Anyone who admires the Puritans simply must have the Puritan Hard Drive.
From Pastors to Ph.D. candidates, there is simply nothing else out there that puts so much at your fingertips.
What an amazing tool for pastors ... thank you for your work.
Soli Deo Gloria!"
- Dr. Voddie Baucham, Jr., Grace Family Baptist Church (Spring, TX)


Dr. C. Matthew McMahon Graphic
Dr. C. Matthew McMahon, A Puritan's Mind


"In the history of the church's sanctification I don't believe there has been a more valuable extra-biblical resource and tool than the Puritan Hard Drive.


It holds some of the most priceless Reformed works of God-centered and Christ-glorifying truth that were ever penned.


Most students, ministers and scholars of the Bible would never personally acquire even half the literal number of books on the Puritan Hard Drive, much less

the extreme caliber of its contents.


In God's providence modern day Christians have been chosen to be the recipients of both

a theological and practical blessing. May we not squander it."


- Matthew McMahon, Ph.D. 

A Puritan's Mind (Author, Preacher, Theologian, etc.)



Your Servant in Christ (for the Third Reformation),

Dr. Reg Barrow


Still Waters Revival Books 

Serving Christians Worldwide (In Over 100 Countries) For 27+ Years


"In the history of the church's sanctification I don't believe there has been a more valuable extra-biblical resource and tool than the Puritan Hard Drive... It holds some of the most priceless Reformed works of God-centered and Christ-glorifying truth that were ever penned." - Dr. Matthew McMahon, A Puritan's Mind 


"To have that much information from a consistent, biblical, orthodox, and gospel-centered point of view is simply astonishing. Anyone who admires the Puritans simply must have the Puritan Hard Drive." - Dr. Voddie Baucham, Jr., Voddie Baucham Ministries 


"The Puritan Hard Drive has been such a superb blessing to me personally and for my ministry, that I lack words to adequately praise the Lord!" - Richard Bennett (former Roman Catholic priest who is now a preacher of monergistic Reformation truth), Berean Beacon 


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