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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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All the SWRB Newsletters being linked below, a process that is ongoing (so check back often), were originally sent as emails and adding them to our Web page has caused some of the design to appear improperly formatted from what was originally in the emails. Nevertheless, as there is so much exceptional and spiritually valuable free Christian content on these pages, we've decided to make all this important information available to you even without the proper formatting -- as there is too much formatting to correct in the process of moving so many lengthy emails, originally composed elsewhere, to our Web pagesIn any case, as you will see, there are many excellent Calvinist links to a multitude of free Reformation resources (well over one million links, when all our past emails are listed), lots of great Puritan and Reformed quotes, and much more outstanding Biblical information on these pages. Thus, in spite of the formatting errors, we pray these pages will be a tremendous blessing to you, by the marvelous sovereign grace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

SWRB Newsletters

Justin Rawson on the Puritan Hard Drive

1,000's of Free Puritan Resources and Jesus Christ Is King of Kings and Lord of Lords

How To Know the Peace of God by Thomas Watson (Free MP3 Audio Book, Print Editions, Kindle, ePub, Apple iBook, etc.)

Worship, Idolatry, Sign of the Cross

God's Sovereignty & Man's Responsibility

Best Free Sermons On Unconditional Election

How Christ Uses Hardships, Trials & Suffering In Our Lives

Imprecatory Prayer, Reprobation & God's Glory

Who Is the Beast of Revelation & 666?

Why God Judges the Church & the Nations

Abortion Is Murder: Biden & Democrats Love To Shed Innocent Blood

5 Remarkable Reformed Eschatology Sermons (Free)

Biblical Creation Versus William Lane Craig, Hugh Ross, BioLogos, and Tim Keller

15 Creation Questions Evolutionists Can't Answer (Free Video, MP3 & Online Text)

We Must All Appear Before the Judgment Seat of Christ, Much Free On Judgment Day

Blessed Affliction Brings Us To The Mercy Seat of God, Spurgeon, Owen ..., Free

The Biblical (Puritan) Principle Of Worship, Free

Four Dimensional Genome Refutes Evolution (Free 20 Minute Video) & Much More!

Arminianism In Worship Is Idolatry, Will Worship & Leads To the Papal Antichrist

Puritan & Reformed Quotes On Providence: Watson, Spurgeon, Rutherford,

Comfort in Sickness and Death (Free Christian Resources)

Free: Combat Between the Flesh & the Spirit (Holiness, Sanctification, Etc.)

The Heresy Of Free Will In Salvation, by Cunningham, Luther, Knox, Calvin et al.

Secret Sins, Sinners Bound With Cords of Sin, Ungodly Get Entangled in Sin's Web

The Law of God & Personal Devotion (Free Puritan & Reformed MP3s, Books, Videos)

You Ought Not to Rest Ignorant & Unresolved About The State Of Your Soul, Free

How Old Is the Earth? 101 Evidences for a Young Age of the Earth & the Universe

Meta-Information: Impossible For Evolution; Did Cells Write Their Own Software?

Contemplation of God: Thinking of His Absolute Dominion, Free Reformed Resources

Democrats "Legalize" Decapitating & Dismembering Babies, Partial Birth Abortion

Evidence For the Global Flood Of Noah (Free Video)

Genesis: A Case Study For Biblical Authority, Creation Magazine LIVE! Free Video

A Word for the Persecuted: Many Christians Are Opposed by Their Families, Free

Free: Jonathan Edwards On the Beauty Of Heaven, With More Puritans and Reformers

Geckos: Marvel At God's Intricate Nanoscale Creation Design, Free Videos, MP3s

Is the Big Bang Biblical? (Free Video, 14 Min.) & Much More Free

Distant Starlight In A Young Earth Creation Model. Free Video, Sarfati & Carter

Creation Answers Book (Free Online Book) & Many More Free Creationist Resources

Glimpse Into the Infinite Mind Of God - The Secret Code of Creation (Free Video)

What the Bible Means When It Says God Loved Jacob & Hated Esau In Romans 9?

Much Scientific Evidence Of A Young Solar System, By Dr. Lisle, Astrophysicist

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Postmillennialism, the Millennium, Reformed Worship, Etc., In OT Prophets, Free

Do We All Come From Two Persons, Adam and Eve? (Free Video)

Sure Resting-Place For the Heart: God's Attributes (Puritan & Reformed Quotes)

Powerful Free Video! The Master Designer: How the Creation Points To God

Free Reformation MP3s, Reformed Books, Calvinist Videos, Puritan Quotes

Quotes By and About John Knox (With Many Free Puritan and Reformed Resources)

The First Commandment (Free Puritan and Reformed MP3s, Videos, & More!)

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Increase of Christ's Kingdom In Prophecy & Postmillennialism (Free Resources)

God's Mysterious Providence and Love, By Michael Bruce, (2 Free Covenanter MP3s)

Fear Not, Little Flock; It's Your Father's Good Pleasure to Give You the Kingdom

God Is: Apologetics, Faith, Conscience, the Fear of God & Judgment (Free MP3s)

The Satisfaction Of Christ Discussed, Puritan Sermons, by Matthew Poole & Others

The Day of Judgment Asserted, By Thomas Watson, Edwards, Spurgeon, Et Al. (Free)

Early Church Fathers On Antichrist (Free Reformation Resources)

Christ Has Overcome and Won the Victory (No Need To Worry Or Fret), Much Free!

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Demons Also Believe, How Can I, A Sinner, Find Pardon & Acceptance With God?

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The Heroes of Faith, By A.W. Pink (22 Free MP3s), With Much More Free

Freedom or Liberty of Nature, Absolute Predestination, Free Will, Free Agency

Evolution Is A Satanic Lie That Leads Many To Hell (Unending Torments)

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Evolutionary Impossibility: ATP Synthase Rotary Motors In the Cell, Free Video

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The Decrees of God (Free Reformation Resources)

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Did Charles Spurgeon Celebrate Christmas?

The Revelation Of God's Glory In The Lord Jesus Christ (Free Reformed Resources)

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Free Will (The Errors Of Arminianism, Pelagianism & Romanism Versus The Bible)

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How Protestant Churches Imitate the Papal (Roman Catholic) Antichrist

John Calvin Defending the Reformation In A Debate Against the Romanist Sadolet

"To Deny Calvinism Is To Deny the Gospel!" - Charles Spurgeon

The Bible's Providential Preservation (4 Free SWRB MP3s)

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Calvinist Must Listen! How Christmas Keeping Denies The Gospel (Free Resources)

Bible Way To Eradicate Idols (Christmas, Easter, Etc.) Free Reformed Resources

Loving God Alone For His Own Sake & As An Ultimate End (Free Reformed Resources)

The Omnipotence Of God (Free Puritan and Reformed Resources and Quotations)

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1,000s Of Free SWRB Puritan and Reformed MP3s Listed By Series, Speaker & Topic

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Puritan/Reformed Quotes: Charnock, Spurgeon, Bunyan, Watson, Flavel, Owen ...

Why Many More People Will Be Saved Than Lost

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Many Puritan and Reformed Quotes (With Many Free Reformation Resources)

John Calvin (Reformation) Quotes On Various Subjects

Samuel Rutherford (Covenanter) Quotes: Christ Over All Suffering, Tears, Etc.

Self-Denial Quotes by Thomas Watson, Charles Spurgeon, Jeremiah Burroughs...

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John Owen Quote: Puritan Worship (With Free MP3s By Owen & Calvin On Worship)

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Praise the Lord! Great Worldwide Reformation News & Opportunities For You

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Poland To Fine Big Tech $13.5 Million Per Case For Removing Ideological Content

Puritan Quote: The Omniscience (Infinite Knowledge) of God, by Thomas Watson


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Eschatology of Christ's Victory

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Life: Incredibly Created By God (Free Creation VIdeo)

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The Sovereignty of God (Free Reformation Resources)

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The greatest theft in the history of the world. This was a multi-country attack.

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We Caught Them: Pallets of Fake Ballots Shredded

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Spurgeon: "To Deny Calvinism Is To Deny the Gospel"

God Is Sovereign Over Worship = The Regulative Principle Of Worship

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Democrat Plan To Persecute Christians

Trump Ready To Move Against All Enemies, Foreign & Domestic

How To Virtually Guarantee Trump’s Reelection

How Trump and America Can Win!

A Reformed View of Angels, Demons & the Devil

Texas GOP: Law-Abiding States Should Secede

Fox News Buried Blockbuster Vote Switching Software Story

Voting Machine Test = Gargantuan Failure

Enough Election Fraud To Change Results

China, Iran, Russia (Election) Coup Attempted

Trump Has 13 Paths to Win, Biden Has 10

Trump Should Win, Overwhelming Evidence

Biden’s Worst Nightmare To Be Revealed

Evidence Of Massive Election Fraud/Treason

The Ongoing Battle With Civil Antichrist

Trump Winning Is Just Weeks Away (Video)

Irrefutable Proof Of Massive Election Fraud

Affidavit: "Stunning Evidence" That Votes Can Be Changed Without Detection

Trump Lawyer: Irrefutable Proof Of Trump Landslide Victory

Reformation View of Biblical Civil Government

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Jailing of Kentucky Clerk Marks "Criminalization of Christianity" - Huckabee

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Famous Creation Scientists From Newton to Sarfati (Creation Magazine LIVE! Free Video)

Putin and the Russian Government Ban Internet Pornography

Farewell Sermon: It Shall Be Well With The Righteous, But Ill With The Wicked by Thomas Watson (Free SWRB MP3)

Major Hindu Leader Declares This Message: All Christians Must Be Sterilized To Destroy Their Population

What Unbelievers Say and Experience Just Before Entering Hell The Death-Bed and Dying Words Of Free-Thinkers and Other Atheists, Apostates and Reprobates (Free MP3s)

What the Media Often Hides About Islam: Muslims Targeting and Murdering Christians

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The Papacy is the Antichrist (Free SWRB MP3s, Videos, Books)

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DNA: God's Information Technology by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati

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The Meaning of Jihad By Bob Vincent (Free MP3)

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Big Problems In Evangelical and Reformed Camps

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The Fruit of the Spirit #26 The Goodness of God and the Sovereignty of God by Greg Price (Free MP3 and PDF)

The Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic.

Muslims (Islamic State) Slaughter (Behead) Christians in Libya

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Evolution Is Religion -- Not Science by Henry Morris, Ph.D.

Obama Claimed Islam Is Peaceful and Christianity Violent at Event Attended by Muslim Regime that Killed Christians

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Islamic State Kills 13 Teen Boys Over Soccer

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Pastor David Petrie Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

Terence Ellard Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

Joacquin Fernandez Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

Pastor Jerry Johnson Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

Pastor Brian Schwertley Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

Pastor Scott Brown Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

Pastor W. J. Mencarow Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

Richard Bennett Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

Pastor Greg Price Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

Dr. Matthew McMahon Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

Dr. Voddie Baucham Recommends and Reviews the Puritan Hard Drive

Dr. Joel Beeke Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

Dr. Steven Dilday Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

Pastor Paul Washer Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

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