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Free: Emotions, Feelings, Appetites, Purity, Lust, Anger, Hunger, Love, Health


Postmillennialism (Free Reformation MP3s, Reformed Books & Puritan Quotes)

Scroll down on landing pages to reach all the free Reformation resources.

Postmillennialism (44 Free Reformation MP3s, by Pastor Jim Dodson, scroll down to the link in the middle column: "More free MP3s and PDFs in Jim Dodson's Biblical Prophecy and Postmillennialism series". Defends Biblical [Reformation] Historicism and Postmillennialism from every book of the Bible and every chapter in Revelation! Outstanding exegesis that is extraordinarily edifying!)

Reformation, Restoration Prophets (23 Free SWRB MP3s, Classic Reformation Historicism and Postmillennialism), Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, by Pastor Jim Dodson

Postmillennialism and Revelation 20, by David Silversides (Free MP3)

Completely refutes Amillennial from Scripture, while defending Biblical Postmillennialism.

  • Because of their outlook upon the future all Scottish missionary leaders took the long-term view in evangelization, that is to say, they did not regard the number of individual converts in the present as the first consideration, but rather that energy should be deployed in work which would have the maximum influence upon nations in subsequent generations. - Iain Murray, The Puritan Hope: Revival and the Interpretation Of Prophecy

History of Redemption (Salvation) #16: God's Work, Creation To Judgment Day by Jonathan Edwards

Commentary On Revelation, by Dr. Steven Dilday (250+ free MP3s and still ongoing, defends classic Reformation Historicism and Postmillennialism.)

Pauline Eschatology by Reformed Presbyterian (Covenanter) Scholar Jim Dodson (3 Free MP3s and PDFs)

God's Plan For the Church Through History To the End Of the Millennium, by Pastor Jim Dodson (Free SWRB MP3 & PDF)


Amillennialism and Premillennialism, as defeatist eschatologies that are refuted in the Bible, both stifle true full-orbed Biblical revival and Reformation. Postmillennialism, which is the Biblical eschatology, leads to revival and Reformation, on the largest of scales.

Sample from the series above: God's Gracious Covenant With Israel #13 (Amillennialism Refuted From Scripture #1), by Greg Price (Free MP3 and PDF)

Jonathan Edwards On Revelation, The Overthrow Of Antichrist & the Eschatology Of Victory by Jonathan Edwards

Eschatology of Christ's Victory, by Dr. F.N. Lee (14 Free MP3s)

The Restoration of the Jews (Israel) In Reformed Eschatology (Free MP3s, Videos, etc.)

The Lord Jesus Christ's Mediatorial Reign, He Is King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords

The Establishment Of Gospel, Reformation, Truth Over All Nations Before the Second Coming, by Pastor Jim Dodson (Free SWRB MP3)

Civil Government (Politics) & The All Encompassing Worldwide Victory/Advance Of The Reformed Faith, Prayer, & Postmillennialism, By Dr. Steven Dilday (Free SWRB MP3)

Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews On One Page

PURITAN HARD DRIVE SUPER SALE ($600 Off Coupon! Was $797.97, Now Just $197.97 For A Limited Time), INCLUDES FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE

Persecution and Christian Martyrs: Early Church, Protestant Reformation, Covenanters and Contemporary (Free MP3s and Books in Many Formats)

Why Many More People Will Be Saved Than Lost: Biblical Prophecy and Postmillennialism #20, Pauline Eschatology #2 (2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Etc.), by Reformed Presbyterian (Covenanter) Scholar Jim Dodson (Free MP3 and PDF)

Bible Prophecy Teaches the Globalists Will Lose and All Nations Will Covenant With Christ, Before the Second Bodily Coming Of Christ (Free Reformation MP3s, Videos, Books, Etc.)

God Is Sovereign Over Worship = The Regulative Principle Of Worship = Calvinism In Worship (and Refuting Heretical Arminianism In Worship)

Charles Spurgeon: "To Deny Calvinism Is To Deny the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

BEST FREE SERMONS ON UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION (12 FREE MP3s) - The Absolute Sovereignty of God (and Free Grace) In the Salvation of Unworthy and Helpless Sinners, By Dr. FERRELL GRISWOLD

Postmillennialism (Free Reformation MP3s, Puritan Books and Reformed Quotes), by Jonathan Edwards, John Murray, Samuel Rutherford, Dr. Steven Dilday, Iain Murray, Thomas Brooks, Greg Price, Pastor Jim Dodson, Dr. F.N. Lee, David Silversides and Others

The Biblical Eschatology of Victory, by Jonathan Edwards, Westminster Divines, Dr. F.N. Lee, David Steele & Others (Free Reformation MP3s, Videos, Books, Etc.)

Identifying the Great Apostasy, by Dr. Steven Dilday (Free MP3); The 1,260 Days Of Revelation (The Year Day Theory In Classic Protestant Eschatological Thought and Scripture), by W.J. Mencarow (Free MP3); and the Best Free Reformed Audio Commentaries On Revelation

John Flavel's Mystery of Providence (Free MP3 Audio Book, Free and Discounted Books Online, etc.), Puritan Quotes On Providence, and Many More Free Reformed Resources On Providence

The Antichrist (Man of Sin) and Interpretations of the Book of Revelation (Eschatology, Prophecy) Among the Early Church Fathers by Dr. Steven Dilday (Free MP3s)

Covenanter Quotes: The Martyrdoms Of Richard Cameron and James Renwick -- and Free Covenanter MP3s, Books, Videos & Other Covenanter Quotes

What Are Terms of Communion? What is Close Communion? What is Occasional Hearing? What Is Biblical Separation? By Pastor Greg Price and Dr. Michael Wagner (Free Covenanter MP3s)

Covenanter Terms of Communion (19 FREE MP3s), by Greg Price (An amazing series of messages!)

Fear Not, Little Flock; For it is Your Father's Good Pleasure to Give You the Kingdom, By James Renwick (Free SWRB Covenanter MP3)

Worldwide Victory Of The Reformed Faith


Interpreting Prophecy: Reformation Keys

Emotions, Feelings, Appetites and Purity - Sex, Lust, Anger, Hunger, Love, Health, Etc., by Dr. Steven Dilday (Free MP3)