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Concerning Close Communion by W. J. McKnight

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Concerning Close Communion
W. J. McKnight
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Resource Description

Concerning Close Communion, by W.J. McKnight, is a strong little book (of 56 pages) that should be considered by all those seeking the purity and peace of the church.

  • Holds to the old covenanted Presbyterian position.
  • Justifies the maintaining of the separate existence of a denomination that will faithfully testify against sin, and the excluding from the Lord's table those that do not so testify.
  • Gives numerous examples of backsliding in regard to specific truths of Scripture. Proclaims that "the Word of God teaches unequivocally that the Commandments are equally binding."
  • This includes the first commandment as it relates to Christ's Kingship over the nations (and dissent from immoral civil governments which will not recognize and obey Christ as King and law giver); and the second commandment concerning purity of worship (as against "all devising, counselling, using, and any wise approving, any religious worship not instituted by God Himself," such as the use of songs other than the Psalms and the Popish use of musical instruments in public worship).
  • Maintains that violation of these commandments are grounds for barring a person from the Lord's table. 
  • Shows how close communion is nothing more than the old Presbyterian view, in keeping with the Westminster Confession of Faith and John Calvin when he stated "We are only contending about the true and lawful constitution of the church, required in the communion not only of the sacraments (which are the signs of profession) but also especially of doctrine" (John Calvin, Institutes 2.12).

Also includes an excellent discussion of essentials and non-essentials, as they relate to the Lord's supper and salvation.

The best short book on the Lord's supper that we have seen. Written by an RPCNA minister in large easy-to-read type.

All resources for sale on this website, with the exception of Scottish Metrical Psalms MP3s, are available on the Puritan Hard Drive .



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