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Lectures Upon the Principal Prophecies of the Revelation (1814) by Alexander M'Leod

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Lectures Upon the Principal Prophecies of the Revelation (1814)
Alexander M'Leod
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In Lectures Upon the Principal Prophecies of the Revelation Alexander M'Leod, a Reformed Presbyterian, defends (in 494 pages) classic historicist Reformation eschatology from the book of Revelation.

David Steele, in his Notes on the Apocalypse commends this work numerous times. Steele writes:

"the best works to be obtained as helps to understand the prophetic parts of scripture, will be found in the labors of those who, from age to age, have obeyed the gracious call of Christ -- who have 'come out from mystic Babylon,' from the Romish communion, from the mother and her harlot daughters, and who have associated more or less intimately with the witnesses. Among these may be consulted with profit the works of Durham, Mason and M'Leod (p. 312)...

The late Rev. Alexander M'Leod, D.D., who had the works of learned predecessors before him, has successfully corrected many of their misinterpretations in his valuable publication, entitled Lectures upon the Principal Prophecies of the Revelation. At the time when he wrote that work, he possessed several advantages in aid of his own expositions. He had access to the most valuable works which had been issued before that date (1814). He was then in the vigor of youthful manhood; and he was also comparatively free from the trammels which in attempts to expound the Apocalypse, have cramped the energies of many a well disciplined mind, political partialities.

At the time of these profound studies, he occupied a position 'in the wilderness,' from which as a stand point, like John in Patmos, he could most advantageously survey the passing scenes of providence with the ardor of youthful emotion, and with unsullied affection for his divine master... expressing my obligations to the Doctor's labors, to whose system of interpretation as well as to most of his details, I cheerfully give my approbation in preference to all other expositors whose works it has been in my power to consult (pp. 317-19)...

Doctor M'Leod and Mr. Faber (see next item--RB) I consider among the best expositors of the prophecies on which they severally wrote...On material points they have shed much light where those who preceded them left the reader in darkness, or involved him in perplexing labyrinths.

Faber preceded M'Leod,and the latter availed himself of all the aid furnished by the former; yet till the 'mystery of God shall be finished,' his people will be receiving accessions of light from the 'sure word of prophecy' (p. 321)... I can again cordially recommend to his attention the Lectures of Doctor M'Leod, as the best exposition of those parts of the Apocalypse of which he treats, that has come under my notice'" (p. 324).

But Steele is not shy about pointing out that,

"the principal defect pervading the Lectures, and one which most readers will be disposed to view in an opposite light, appears to be, a charity too broad, a catholicity too expansive, to be easily reconciled with a consistent position among the mystic witnesses.

Their author, however, deriving much information from the learned labors of English prelates on prophecy, could not 'find in his heart' to exclude them from a place in the honorable roll of the witnesses. I am unable to recognize any of those who are in organic fellowship with the 'eldest daughter of Popery,' as entitled to rank among those who are symbolized as 'clothed in sackcloth.'

The two positions and fellowships appear to be obviously incompatible and palpably irreconcilable. It is true that there have been and still are in the English establishment divines who are strictly evangelical;but the reigning Mediator views and treats individuals, as he views and treats the moral person with which individuals freely choose to associate; and we ought to 'have the mind of Christ'" (I Cor. 2:16, p. 322-23).

Notwithstanding a few shortcomings, this is probably the best book available (at present) on the book of Revelation.

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