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The Works of George Swinnock - Volume 5 of 5

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The Works of George Swinnock - Volume 5 of 5
George Swinnock
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Still Waters Revival Books

Resource Description

"Volume 5 contains 'The Door of Salvation Opened by the Key of Regeneration' and 'The Sinner's Last Sentence'--sermons on Matthew 25:41-42 with two hundred pages of counsel on the seriousness of sin." -- Joel Beeke and Randall Pederson in Meet the Puritans: With a Guide to Modern Reprints.

The Works of George Swinnock Vol. V

Table of Contents
The Door of Salvation Opened by the Key of Regeneration

  • The Epistle Dedicatory
  • To the Reader
  • Chapter I
    • The opening of the words, and the doctrine
  • Chapter II
    • The description or nature of regeneration in the several causes of it
  • Chapter III
    • The reason why regeneration is necessary in all that will obtain salvation
  • Chapter IV
    • The first use of the doctrine, containing the gross delusion of all unregenerate persons
  • Chapter V
    • Shewing the insufficiency of ten particulars to speak a Christian's right to heaven
  • Chapter VI
    • A use by way of trial, wherein the character of regenerate persons is set down, with some quickening motives to examination
  • Chapter VII
    • Containing more marks of a regenerate person
  • Chapter VIII
    • Containing an exhortation to endeavor after regeneration
  • Chapter IX
    • The first help to regeneration, serious consideration
  • Chapter X
    • The first subject of consideration, the misery of the unregenerate in this world
  • Chapter XI
    • The misery of the unregenerate in the other world
  • Chapter XII
    • The second subject of consideration, The felicity of the regenerate in this world
  • Chapter XIII
    • The felicity of the regenerate in the other world
  • Chapter XIV
    • The third subject of consideration, the excellency of regeneration
  • Chapter XV
    • The fourth subject of consideration, The necessity of regeneration
  • Chapter XVI
    • The fifth subject of consideration, The equity of regeneration, or living to God
  • Chapter XVII
    • The second help to regeneration: An observation or knowledge of those several steps whereby the Spirit of God reneweth other souls, and a pliable carriage and submission to its workings and motions
    • The third help to regeneration
  • Chapter XVIII
    • An answer to three objections
  • Chapter  XIX
    • An exhortation to the regenerate
  • Chapter XX
    • A second exhortation to the regenerate, to do what they can for the conversion of others

The Sinner's Last Sentence

  • The Epistle Dedicatory
  • To the Reader
  • Chapter I
    • The preface and introduction to the text
  • Chapter II
    • The division and brief explication
  • Chapter III
    • Concerning the privative part of the sinner's punishment
  • Chapter IV
    • The properties of the sinner's loss
  • Chapter V
    • The reasons of the sinner's privative punishment
  • Chapter VI
    • Uses concerning the heinous nature of sin, and grevious misery of sinners
  • Chapter VII
    • Containing the folly of sinners, and the vast difference between them and the godly at the great day
  • Chapter VIII
    • A use of trial, with the marks of those that shall be banished
  • Chapter IX
    • An exhortation to fly from this wrath to come, with some helps thereunto
  • Chapter X
    • The positive part of the sinner's misery, expressed by fire, and why
  • Chapter XI
    • The difference between our fires and hell fires
  • Chapter XII
    • The fulness of wicked men's misery, in that it is positive and privative, with some cautions against it
  • Chapter XIII
    • The eternity of the sinner's misery in the other world, with the grand reason of it
  • Chapter XIV
    • How little cause to envy sinners, and how careful we should be to avoid their eternal misery
  • Chapter XV
    • The reason of Christ's severe sentence, and a question resolved, whether the righteous, by their acts of charity, do not deserve heaven, as well as the wicked, by their omission thereof, deserve hell
  • Chapter XVI
    • Why Christ will try men at the great day by acts of charity
  • Chapter XVII
    • Three particulars about the text
  • Chapter XVIII
    • That sins of omission are dangerous and damnable
  • Chapter XIX
    • The nature of sins of omission in general
  • Chapter XX
    • Three distinctions about sins of omission
  • Chapter XXI
    • The agreement and difference between sins of omission and sins of commission
  • Chapter XXII
    • The danger of sins of omission, in the heinous nature of them, and their offensiveness to God
  • Chapter XXIII
    • The danger of sins of omission, in their destructiveness to man, and our proneness to overlook them
  • Chapter XXIV
    • The reasons why sins of omission are damnable
  • Chapter XXV
    • Further reasons why Christ at the great day will condemn men for sins of omission
  • Chapter XXVI
    • Of the doctrine by way of information, How dreadful will be the condition of those that live in sins of commission
  • Chapter XXVII
    • Negative godliness is not enough. -- Christ's impartiality in judgment
  • Chapter XXVIII
    • Practical godliness necessary
  • Chapter XXIX
    • The condition of men only civil is unsafe and sad
  • Chapter XXX
    • Sinners' conviction at the day of judgment. The purity of Christ's religion above all others
  • Chapter XXXI
    • The holiest have cause of humiliation
  • Chapter XXXII
    • Use of trial, whether we be guilty of these omissions or no
  • Chapter XXXIII
    • A caution against sins of omission in regard of the matter of duties
  • Chapter XXXIV
    • Arguments against omissions. The positiveness of our rule, and of God's mercies
  • Chapter XXXV
    • Arguments against omissions. Christ purchased positive as well as negative holiness, and our privileges oblige to both
  • Chapter XXXVI
    • Arguments against omissions. We profess ourselves God's servants, and all our our religion will come to nothing without positive holiness
  • Chapter XXXVII
    • Arguments against omissions. God deserves our positive obedience before all others, and true sanctification cannot be without it
  • Chapter XXXVIII
    • If God should omit his care of us a moment we are undone. and if Christ had omitted the least in our work of redemption, we had been lost irrecoverably
  • Chapter XXXIX
    • Arguments against sins of omission. The new nature in believers inclines them to positive as well as negative holiness, and the proit will answer the pains
  • Chapter XL
    • Arguments against sins of omission. God delights chiefly in our doing good; and our opportunities for doing good will quickly be gone
  • Chapter XLI
    • The grand cause of sins of omission, an unregenerate heart; with the cure of it, a renewed nature
  • Chapter XLII
    • Another cause of sins of omission, ignorance; with the cure of it, labouring after knowledge
  • Chapter XLIII
    • Another cause of sins of omission, idleness, with the cure of it
  • Chapter XVIV
    • Another cause of omissions is vain excuses men have, that omissions are little sins; with the cure of it
  • Chapter XLV
    • Another excuse for sins of omission, which is a cause of them, that they would be unsearsonable, and so are deferred to that time which never comes, with the answer to it
  • Chapter XLVI
    • A third excuse for sins of omissions, it is but one sin; with the answer to it
  • Chapter XLVII
    • A fifth cause of sins of omission, the example of others, with the cure of it
  • General Index
  • Index of texts
  • OCR Index

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