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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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Refuting Compromise (Hugh Ross, BioLogos, Tim Keller, et al.) - The Bible Only Teaches 6 Day Creation By Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D Chemistry (Free Video)

Refuting Compromise (Hugh Ross, BioLogos, Tim Keller, et al.) - The Bible Only Teaches 6 Day Creation By Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D Chemistry (Free Video)

This video starts about 50 seconds after you hit play. It is interesting to note that both Richard Dawkins and Hugh Ross have refused to debate Dr. Jonathan Sarfati. A six day, young earth understanding of Genesis is the only one that comes from the text itself, which is why the rest of Scripture interprets it that way. Long-age views are a modern aberration that comes from imposing outside ideas of uniformitarian "science" upon the text. See how compromising views render the Bible meaningless to a dying world. You'll be encouraged and energized to hear there is no need for compromise and that there are answers. The evidence for Creation and the Bible's account of history is all around us if only we know how to look for it, and Dr. Sarfati will show you how to do just that!

Dr. Joel Beeke on the Puritan Hard Drive

Refuting Compromise: A Biblical and Scientific Refutation of "Progressive Creationism" (Billions of Years) As Popularized by Astronomer Hugh Ross, by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati (Paperback)

With brilliant clarity, Jonathan Sarfati, author of the best-selling Refuting Evolution (1 and 2) has produced a comprehensive and ringing refutation of the position of progressive creationist Hugh Ross, whose views are causing massive confusion about science and the Bible. This book is one of the most powerful biblical and scientific defenses of a straightforward view of Genesis creation ever written. Updated & Expanded in 2011.

Joaquin Fernandez on the Puritan Hard Drive

Refuting Evolution, Evolution Versus Creation, Science & Religion, Facts & Bias by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati (Free MP3)

Dr. Voddie Baucham on the Puritan Hard Drive

Refuting Evolution by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati (Paperback)

Richard Bennett on the Puritan Hard Drive

Refuting Evolution 2 by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati (Paperback)

Jerry Johnson on the Puritan Hard Drive

DNA and Bone Cells Found in Dinosaur Bone by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati (Free MP3)

Dr. Steven Dilday on the Puritan Hard Drive

The Greatest Hoax on Earth? Refuting Dawkins on Evolution by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati (Paperback)

Nuclear Physicist Embraces Biblical Creation by Dr. by Jim Mason (Free Online Article at

Pastor Greg Price on the Puritan Hard Drive

"I have become increasingly amazed at how comprehensive and yet internally consistent the Bible and Christianity are. I spent most of my working career as a System Engineer developing complex and sophisticated defence electronic systems. Consequently, I have come to think of the Bible and Christianity as the perfect system." - Dr. Jim Mason

Pastor Scott Brown on the Puritan Hard Drive

Age of the Earth, 101 Evidences for a Young Age of the Earth and the Universe by Don Batten (Free MP3)

Pastor Brian Schwertley on the Puritan Hard Drive

Time - No Friend of Evolution, Our Downhill Genetic Slide Fits the Biblical Timeline by David Catchpoole (Free MP3)

Pastor David Silversides on the Puritan Hard Drive


Pastor William J Mencarow on the Puritan Hard Drive

How Does the Bible Teach 6,000 Years? The Bible's History Gives Us The Answer by L. Cosner (Free MP3)

Pastor Greg Price on the Puritan Hard Drive

15 Questions for Evolutionists, The Naturalistic Origin of Life and Its Diversity by Don Batten (Free MP3)

Jack Windisch on the Puritan Hard Drive

Our Solar System, Evidence of Creation by Spike Psarris, Worked at NASA (Free Video from the Seattle Creation Conference)

Michael Caughran on the Puritan Hard Drive

The 10 Best Evidences From Science That Confirm A Young Earth (Free Online Articles From Answers In Genesis' Answers Magazine & Other Free Creationist MP3s, Videos, Books, etc.)

Justin Rawson on the Puritan Hard Drive


Terence Ellard on the Puritan Hard Drive

The Religious Nature of Evolution Theory and its Attack on Christianity by John G. Leslie, Ph.D. (Free MP3)

Pastor William J Mencarow on the Puritan Hard Drive

Evolution Demolished By Astonishing DNA Complexity, Evidence for Biblical Creation (Creationism) by Alex Williams, Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, Dr. Jason Lisle, Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith, Dr. John MacArthur, Mike Riddle & Others (Free Videos, MP3s, etc.)

Evolution Is A Myth by Pastor Brian Schwertley, Ken Ham (Answers in Genesis), et al. (Many Free MP3s, Articles, Books, etc.)

John Hendryx on the Puritan Hard Drive

Creation's Marvelous Molecular Machines, Creation Magazine Live (Free Videos, MP3s, etc.)


Has the 'God Particle' Been Found? by Dr. by Jim Mason (Free Online Article at

Dr. Matthew McMahon Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

Pastor W.J. Mencarow Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive


Pastor W.J. Mencarow

(Reformation Church, Boerne, Texas - San Antonio area)

The Puritan Hard Drive is the must have digital learning device for Puritan and Reformed studies.

Nothing like it has ever been available before!

There is no other way to get such easy, convenient and inexpensive access to so many great works from the best Reformation and Puritan preachers and teachers, past and present -- and the study software on the Puritan Hard Drive is out of this world in terms of usefulness!

If necessary, sell what you have (that does not draw you closer to God) to get the Puritan Hard Drive, and prayerfully use it until you become, by the Lord's sovereign and sanctifying grace, the most extraordinary Christian you can be (for His glory!).

- Pastor W.J. Mencarow (Reformation Church, Boerne, Texas - San Antonio area, and on Sermonaudio at, Author, Editor of The Paper Source Journal, and has been interviewed on numerous radio and TV programs including "Good Morning America," most networks and in major U.S. newspapers and magazines, etc.

Refuting Compromise (Hugh Ross, BioLogos, Tim Keller, et al.) - The Bible Only Teaches 6 Day Creation By Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D Chemistry (Free Video)