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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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A Glimpse Into the Infinite Mind Of God (Original Title: The Secret Code of Creation), By Dr. Jason Lisle (Free Video)

A Glimpse Into the Infinite Mind Of God (Original Title: The Secret Code of Creation), By Dr. Jason Lisle (Free Video)

Dr. Steven Dilday on the Puritan Hard Drive

A Glimpse Into the Infinite Mind Of God (Original Title: The Secret Code of Creation), By Dr. Jason Lisle (Free Video)

The Attributes of God, By A.W. Pink, Stephen Charnock, et al. (Free Online Audio Books [MP3s], iTunes, Text, PDF, Epub, Mobi Files [Kindle], Romania Edition, Paperback Book, etc.)

The Infinity of God, and the Beauty and Depth of Reformed Theology, by Stephen Charnock, Dr. R.C. Sproul, Charles Hodge, Joseph Pipa, Arthur Pink, Greg Price, John Gill, Dr. Curt Daniel, and Others (Free MP3s, Books, Etc.)

The God of Infinities, By Dr. Jason Lisle (Free Online Article)

God's Infinite Universe By Dr. Henry Morris (Free Online Article)

A sense of the Divine goodness would mount us above the world. It would damp our appetites after meaner things; we should look upon the world not as a God, but a gift from God, and never think the present better than the Donor. We should never lie soaking in muddy puddles were we always filled with a sense of the richness and clearness of this Fountain, wherein we might bathe ourselves; little petty particles of good would give us no content, when we were sensible of such an unbounded ocean. Infinite goodness, rightly apprehended, would dull our desires after other things, and sharpen them with a keener edge after that which is best of all. How earnestly do we long for the presence of a friend, of whose good will towards us we have full experience. ... Here is comfort in afflictions. What can we fear from the conduct of Infinite Goodness? Can his hand be heavy upon those that are humble before him? They are the hands of Infinite Power indeed, but there is not any motion of it upon his people, but is ordered by a goodness as infinite as his power, which will not suffer any affliction to be too sharp or too long. By what ways soever he conveys grace to us here, and prepares us for glory hereafter, they are good, and those are the good things he hath chiefly obliged himself to give (Ps. 84:11): “Grace and glory” will he “give, and no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.” - Stephen Charnock, The Existence and Attributes of God (on the Puritan Hard Drive)

Jim Dodson Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive


If you love the Bible, then you may well be Reformed. If you think of yourself as Reformed, but you have seldom or have never read older Reformed literature, prepare to be challenged. The Puritan Hard Drive provides primary sources and depth of theological and spiritual insight which is lacking in much of what is passed off as genuine Reformed theology. If you think of yourself as conservative, the older Puritan and Reformed authors will help you sort reality from myth in your quest to be truly Reformed. There are more solid resources for less money here than anywhere else. I highly recommend you take responsibility for your soul and spend a few shekels for this cup of cold water in the midst of the modern religious desert.

- Jim Dodson, Reformed Presbyterian Scholar,

A Glimpse Into the Infinite Mind Of God (Original Title: The Secret Code of Creation), By Dr. Jason Lisle (Free Video)