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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT (THE LORD'S DAY OR CHRISTIAN SABBATH) by Jonathan Edwards, Greg Price, Dr. Francis N. Lee, David Dickson and Greg Barrow (15 Free MP3s, with many free text articles from A Puritan's Mind)

Please scroll down for 15 free MP3s on the fourth commandment, the Lord's Day, or the Christian Sabbath.

"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." - Exodus 20:8-11 (emphases added).

Please Note: To continue browsing while you are listening to the free MP3 audio books or sermons on this page, click on the small speaker icon (to the right of the title) to open Sermonaudio's MP3 player in a separate window. You may also download these free MP3 audio books or sermons by clicking on the disk icon. Enjoy!

The five free MP3s sermons below, by Greg Price, are the best audio series on the Lord's Day (fourth commandment) of which we (SWRB) are aware.

Remember the Sabbath Day (Fourth Commandment) 1/5 by Greg Price

Remember the Sabbath Day (Fourth Commandment) 2/5 by Greg Price

Remember the Sabbath Day (Fourth Commandment) 3/5 by Greg Price

Remember the Sabbath Day (Fourth Commandment) 4/5 by Greg Price

Remember the Sabbath Day (Fourth Commandment) 5/5 by Greg Price (Includes comments on Christmas, Easter, etc.)

The Joy of the Sabbath Versus Legalism (Mark #13) by Greg Price

Sanctifying the Sabbath (Mark #14) by Greg Price

The Perpetuity And Change Of The Sabbath (1 of 3) by Jonathan Edwards

The Perpetuity And Change Of The Sabbath (2 of 3) by Jonathan Edwards

The Perpetuity And Change Of The Sabbath (3 of 3) by Jonathan Edwards

The Fourth Commandment (4 of 10, God's Law) by Dr. Francis N. Lee

The Sabbath, Reformed Theologians and the Change of the Day of Rest (1/2) by Dr. Francis N. Lee

The Sabbath, Reformed Theologians and the Change of the Day of Rest (2/2) by Dr. Francis N. Lee

Commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith (10 of 12) by David Dickson

A Puritan Reformed Discussion of Holy Days (Lord's Day/Christian Sabbath, Christmas, Easter, etc.) by Greg Barrow

The Fourth Commandment and the Lord's Day (Free Puritan Books, MP3s, Videos, Articles, etc. at

Many useful articles on the fourth commandment and the Lord's Day are at A Puritan's Mind Web site.

THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT (THE LORD'S DAY OR CHRISTIAN SABBATH) by Jonathan Edwards, Greg Price, Dr. Francis N. Lee, David Dickson and Greg Barrow (15 Free MP3s, with many free text articles from A Puritan's Mind)