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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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The Restoration of the Jews (Israel) In Reformed Eschatology (Free MP3s, Videos, etc.)

Scroll down for many free Reformation and Puritan resources (free MP3s, books, videos) on the restoration of the Jews (Israel) in Reformed eschatology.

"Nothing is more certainly foretold than this national conversion of the Jews in Romans 11."

- Jonathan Edwards, The History of Redemption  in The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 1,  Banner of Truth Trust, reprint, 1976, p. 607.

"O to see the sight, next to Christ's coming in the clouds, the most joyful! Our elder brethren the Jews and Christ fall upon one another; they will be kind to one another when they meet. O day! O longed for and lovely day-dawn! O sweet Jesus, let me see that sight which will be as life from the dead, thee and thy ancient people in mutual embraces."

- Samuel Rutherford (Scottish Covenanter), Letters, 1635.

"The day shall yet come when the Jews, who were the first apostles to the Gentiles, the first missionaries to us who were afar off, shall be gathered in again... Matchless benefits to the world are bound up with the restoration of Israel; their gathering in shall be as life from the dead."

- Iain Murray, The Puritan Hope: Revival and The Interpretation of Prophecy, p. 256 (Banner of Truth). The first four chapters of The Puritan Hope: Revival and The Interpretation of Prophecy are free at

RESTORATION OF THE JEWS (in Classic Puritan, Covenanter and Reformation Eschatology) FREE MP3s


Israel Turns To Christ (1/2) The Restoration of the Jews by Greg Price (Micah Series, Free MP3 & Video)

Israel Turns To Christ (2/2) The Restoration of the Jews by Greg Price (Micah Series, Free MP3 & Video)

FREE VIDEO: The Jews, Jihad, Muslims, Hitler, Hezbollah, Hamas, Terrorism, Islam in American Universities and the Muslim Brotherhood (Wall of Truth)

FREE VIDEO: Obama: The Anti-Israel President

The Restoration of the Jews by David Brown, Paperback, $9.95 (call SWRB at 1-780-450-3730), Digital Download PDF and Google Books. 

The Restoration and Conversion of the Jews by Charles Spurgeon (Free MP3)

The Restoration and Conversion of the Jews by Charles Spurgeon (Digital Download, PDF)

The Restoration of the Jews: An Extract from Herman Witsius (1806)

The Conversion of the Jews by Maurice Roberts (Free MP3)

The Revival of a Rebel Jew (Dr. Richard Ganz Testimony)

Puritans, the Millennium and the Future of Israel: Puritan Eschatology 1600 to 1660 (Library of Ecclesiastical History) by Peter Toon (Hardcover and Paperback)

Last Judgement, Conversion of the Jews, the Millennium, and the Unpardonable Sin by Andrew Fuller (SWRB PDF, Digital Download)

Siding with Savages (Islamorealism & Israel) 

Obama's War on Jewish Jerusalem

Islam's Jew-Hate and Violence

God's Gracious Covenant With Israel: Foundation for Worldwide National Covenanting by Greg Price (34 Free MP3s)

Persecution of Christians in Israel: Prime Time TV in Israel on the Persecution of Christians in Israel (Video)

Pastor Greg L. Price Reviews and Recommends
the Puritan Hard Drive

Pastor Greg L. Price

Pastor Greg L. Price

I was one of those who had profited much from using the plethora of out-of-print Reformation materials offered by Still Waters Revival Books in the 62 CDs (Puritan CDs and Reformation CDs) for a number of years in  my ministry -- works that I could only have found in select libraries (usually hundreds of miles away from my residence).

With the CDs, it took a little while to go to the index of each set, locate the documents I needed, and then find the correct CD. Of course, the time was always well spent in finding that particular document that I needed.

However, now that I have the Puritan Hard Drive, I am able to use my time much more efficiently in finding that particular document I need by quickly searching for it and finding it in a matter of seconds. It's like going from "dial up" to "high-speed" Internet!

And for all of those documents that have a font that are in block letters, I am able to simply cut and paste from the Puritan Hard Drive to my own document with ease.

Amazing surprises do come in small packages!

If you want to understand Reformed theology (i.e., the whole counsel of God) the Puritan Hard Drive is unsurpassed, outside the Bible itself. The First and Second Reformations gave us the most faithful Scriptural teaching and preaching since the time of the Apostles, and there is no other resource, outside Scripture itself, where you can find so much of God's truth as in the Puritan Hard Drive.

May the Lord continue to use this most profitable tool to promote a Third Reformation that encompasses the whole world (Isaiah 2:2-4)!

- Pastor Greg L. Price (Covenanted Presbyterian Pastor, Author, Theologian, etc.) Free online books, MP3s and videos by Greg Price at

The Restoration of the Jews (Israel) In Reformed Eschatology (Free MP3s, Videos, etc.)