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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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Arminianism, Open Theism and Reformed Theology: Three Views Of Providence (Free MP3s & Videos)

There are 325 Reformed resources under the category "Predestination and Providence" and 1,840 Reformation resources under the category "Calvinism and the Sovereignty of God" on the Puritan Hard Drive, refuting Arminianism, Open Theism and other heresies.

"God the great Creator of all things does uphold, direct, dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things, from the greatest even to the least, by His most wise and holy providence, according to His infallible foreknowledge, and the free and immutable counsel of His own will, to the praise of the glory of His wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy. Although, in relation to the foreknowledge and decree of God, the first Cause, all things come to pass immutably, and infallibly; yet, by the same providence, He orders them to fall out, according to the nature of second causes, either necessarily, freely, or contingently. God, in His ordinary providence, makes use of means, yet is free to work without, above, and against them, at His pleasure."

- Westminster Confession of Faith 5:1-3 (Original Edition), "Of Providence"

Providence in Classic Arminianism by Dr. Bruce Ware (Free MP3)

Though there are some comments in these lectures by Dr. Ware that SWRB would not be in full agreement with, overall these four messages are excellent.

Providence in Open Theism by Dr. Bruce Ware by Dr. Bruce Ware (Free MP3)

Providence in the Reformed Tradition (1) by Dr. Bruce Ware (Free MP3)

Providence in the Reformed Tradition (2) by Dr. Bruce Ware (Free MP3)

Our Father's Amazing Providence by Dr. Joel Beeke (Free MP3)

Institutes of the Christian Religion #8 (Use to Be Made of the Doctrine of Providence; The Instrumentality of the Wicked) by John Calvin (Free MP3)

Our Sovereign And Unchanging God In A Changing World Full Of Trials, Trouble, Sin, Pain, Affliction, Misery, Disorder & Disease by Greg Price (Free MP3)

Free: The Mystery of Providence by John Flavel (Puritan) & Many More Free Puritan Books & MP3s On Providence & Calvinism

Providence (Free Reformation Books, MP3s and Videos)

Predestination and Providence (at

Mystery of Providence (Puritan Paperbacks, Banner of Truth) by John Flavel (Paperback and Kindle Editions at

The Providence of God by Dr. James White (2 Free Videos)

"The Church at large has tried to put man at the center of the Universe for so long in its sermons, books and articles that today, when we do hear a preacher talk about the Sovereignty or Providence of God, it actually seems very strange to our ears. We think "what new doctrine is this?" But the truth is that this is not a new concept at all, but in fact the classic, orthodox, Christian view of the God of the Bible.

Regarding the Sovereignty of God, Dr. R.C. Sproul makes the point that if there were one maverick molecule out there somewhere apart from the plan of God, we would have no reason to hope in God. That one maverick molecule could be the one detail that defeats God's eternal purpose. If God is not in Sovereign control, perhaps that one "maverick molecule" could have got into the lungs of Jesus as a young baby and God's eternal plan of salvation could well have been derailed with Jesus dieing in infancy. As the old saying goes, "For lack of the nail, the shoe was lost. For lack of the shoe, the horse was lost. For lack of the horse, the rider was lost. For lack of the rider, the battle was lost. For lack of the battle, the war was lost."

In contrast to this picture, our God is All-Powerful (Omnipotent), and all of history is merely the outworking of His eternal plan. God not merely created the world, but His eternal power sustains it and continues its existence by the sheer exertion of His will - were God to "blink," all would come to an end.

Here Dr. James White teaches two sessions on "the providence of God." The second session refutes the "middle knowledge" doctrine that is becoming more and more prevalent in our day. Both of these messages are highly recommended -- very much a worthwhile use of your time." - JS (from Reformation Theology). The second video deals with the views of Dr. William Lane Craig.

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From Facets of Grace

Arminianism, Open Theism and Reformed Theology: Three Views Of Providence (Free MP3s & Videos)