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Is the Reformation Over? (Rethinking the Push for Détente with Rome) by Phil Johnson (Free MP3)

The sermon below, Is the Reformation Over? (Rethinking the Push for Détente with Rome) by Phil Johnson, is so well done (and is still as timely and important as when it was first preached in 2006) that we wanted to bring it to your attention in this email - with the hope that you will take the time to listen this edifying and encouraging message (and that Is the Reformation Over? will be a blessing to your soul).

Is the Reformation Over? (Rethinking the Push for Détente with Rome) by Phil Johnson (Free MP3 and PDF)

Sermon Summary from Phil Johnson's Sermonaudio page for this message.

It has now been more than a decade since the Charles Colson and Richard John Neuhaus teamed up to give us the document known as Evangelicals and Catholics Together" (ECT). That document, which has the endorsement of hundreds of key evangelical and Roman Catholic leaders, marked the start of a major campaign to warm relations between the Roman Catholic Church and evangelical Protestants. At first it seemed ECT might actually cause a backlash effect that would coalesce a vigorous defense of the gospel from evangelical Protestants. There were lots of excellent critiques of Evangelicals and Catholics Together in the early days (one of the best being Making Shipwreck of the Faith: Evangelicals and  Roman Catholics Together by Kevin Reed - ed.).

There was also a famous summit meeting in Orlando in January of 1995. R.C. Sproul, John MacArthur, D. James Kennedy, and John Ankerberg met with Chuck Colson, Bill Bright, and J.I. Packer and challenged them on biblical grounds regarding their deliberate compromise on the doctrine of justification by faith. Colson, Bright, and Packer later issued a clarification and multiple press releases claiming they had fully resolved the concerns of their critics, but they never withdrew their support from ECT, and the ecumenical juggernaut rolled on...

Phil Johnson is the executive director of Grace to You. He has been closely associated with John MacArthur since 1981 and edits most of John's major books. Phil also maintains several popular Web sites, including The Spurgeon Archive, The Hall of Church History, and the Pyromaniacs blog. He is an ordained elder and pastor at Grace Community Church. Phil and his wife, Darlene, have three adult children and two grandchildren.

"Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." - Jude 1:3


There are many reasons why Bible believing Protestant should continue to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3) against the Papal Antichrist, and we hope the free Reformation resources below, will encourage you in your the battle with Romish (Papal) beast and for the souls of deceived and deluded Roman Catholics, for God's glory.

666: Classic Teaching of the Protestant Reformation on the Number of the Beast (35 Free MP3s)

Please Note: To continue browsing while you are listening to the free MP3 audio books or sermons, or watching the free videos, on this page, click on the small speaker icon, or the 12pt video icon (to the right of the title) to open Sermonaudio's MP3 or video player in a separate window. You may also download these free MP3 audio books or sermons, or free videos, by clicking on the 12pt disk icon (to the right of the title, and directly to the right of the MP3 or video icon). If a free PDF is available you may also download the free PDF by clicking on the 12pt PDF icon (to the right of the title, and directly to right the disk icon). Enjoy, and may the Lord greatly bless you through these free online MP3, video and PDF sermons, books and/or conference messages!

One of the best places to learn more about Romanism's heresies and unbiblical ecumenism, as noted in, Is the Reformation Over? (Rethinking the Push for Détente with Rome) by Phil Johnson, is directly from someone who, for decades, lived inside "the belly of the Roman beast." Richard Bennett spent twenty-one years as a Roman Catholic priest in Trinidad, WI. After a serious accident in 1972, he began to study seriously the Bible. After fourteen years of contrasting Catholicism to Biblical truth, he was convicted by the Gospel message. In 1986, he saw that justification is not being inwardly just as Rome taught, but being accepted in Christ. He was then saved by God's grace alone, and formally left the Roman Catholic Church and its priesthood. He has founded an evangelistic ministry to Catholics called "Berean Beacon", which is online at

From Catholicism to Christ: The Testimony of a Former Roman Catholic Priest About Salvation in Christ by Richard Bennett (Fascinating -- and a must listen!)

Arminianism Agrees With Roman Catholicism And Calvinism Agrees With The Bible by Richard Bennett

The Early Church and A History of Justification, Faithfulness, Apostasy & Antichrist by Richard Bennett and W.J. Mencarow

Reformation Conference 2005 1 of 6 (Salvation and the Sacramental System) by Richard Bennett

Reformation Conference 2005 4 of 6 (The Mystic Plague Captivating the Western World) by Richard Bennett

Alignment of New Evangelicals With Apostasy (Biblical Principles For Separation) by Richard Bennett

Reformation Conference 2005 6 of 6 (The Need for Reformation & What It Demands) by Richard Bennett

Warning: Evangelicals and Catholics Together is Here! by Richard Bennett

Antichrist's New Strategy - Roman Catholic Agenda Embedded In Manhattan Declaration by Richard Bennett

Who is Ratzinger Pope Benedict XVI? (With Proof From Scripture That The Papacy Is The Antichrist) by Richard Bennett

The Modern History and Tyranny of Roman Catholicism and the Vatican Vision Related To Past and Coming Inquisitions by by Richard Bennett

A Brief History of Roman Persecution (Inquisition, Torture, etc., Of Faithful Christians By the Papal Antichrist) by Richard Bennett

The Mass As A Sacrifice (Contrasted With the Biblical Teaching on the Lord's Supper and Christ's Finished Work On the Cross) by Richard Bennett

Hazards Of Emerging Church Leaders, Neo-Evangelicalism, Postmodernism, Catholicism by Richard Bennett

Idolatry in the Evangelical Camp: Pictures of Christ or the Glory of God? by Richard Bennett

Roman Catholic Counter Reformation, Antichrist, Dispensationalism, Jesuits, Islam, etc. by Richard Bennett

Scott Hahn's Route Into Roman Catholic Apostasy (A So-Called Protestant Minister Turns From Truth To Roman Catholicism) by Richard Bennett

Reformation & Papacy (Inquisition, Roman Catholic Torture & Martyrdom of Christians) by Richard Bennett

Roman Catholic Sex Scandals and the Glory of Christ's Priesthood Contrasted With the Immorality of the Roman Catholic Priesthood by Richard Bennett

No Graven Images (or Pictures of Christ) in the Worship of God by Richard Bennett

Antichrist (The Papacy) Deceives Nations Today, Politics, Education, Concordats, Slovakia, etc. by Richard Bennett

"What ever be the Christianity of the New Testament, it is not Romanism. If ever there was a safe truth, it is this, and Romanism has ever felt it." - William Cunningham, Discussions on Church Principles Popish, Erastian, and Presbyterian, p. 48, 1863, and on the Puritan Hard Drive.

"I shall not say much about the general character of Popery. It is, indeed, the masterpiece of Satan - his greatest and most successful scheme for frustrating the great designs of the Christian religion. This is the light in which it ought ever to be contemplated. This being, then, Satan's great scheme for frustrating the Christian revelation, the right mode of dealing with it, and the maintenance of a right position in regard to it, must virtually form the chief duty of a Christian Church." - The Life of William Cunningham by Robert Rainey, p. 313, on the Puritan Hard Drive.

Is the Reformation Over? (Rethinking the Push for Détente with Rome) by Phil Johnson (Free MP3)