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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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Refuting William Lane Craig and Hugh Ross (Creation and Bible Compromisers)

Refuting William Lane Craig and Hugh Ross (Creation and Bible Compromisers)

Dr. Matthew McMahon on the Puritan Hard Drive

Refuting William Lane Craig and Hugh Ross (Creation and Bible Compromisers)

William Lane Craig flubs on the Flood - Genesis compromiser again deceives about biblical creationist views, by Jonathan Sarfati

William Lane Craig contra The Genesis Account - Did the Apostles believe “cleverly devised myths”?, by Jonathan Sarfati

William Lane Craig’s intellectually dishonest attack on biblical creationists, by Jonathan Sarfati

Christian apologists should abandon the big bang, Jonathan F. Henry

Can Christians add the big bang to the Bible?, by Russell Grigg

Refuting Compromise (Hugh Ross, BioLogos, Tim Keller, et al.) - The Bible Only Teaches 6 Day Creation, by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D Chemistry (Free Video)

Clarification on Comment About Hugh Ross (Free Video)

The Dubious Apologetics of Hugh Ross, by Danny Faulkner, Ph.D. Astronomy

The idea of millions of years came from the belief that the fossil record was built up over a long time. As soon as people allow for millions of years, they allow for the fossil record to be millions of years old. This creates an insurmountable problem regarding the gospel. The fossil record consists of the death of billions of creatures. In fact, it is a record of death, disease, suffering, cruelty, and brutality. It is a very ugly record. The Bible is adamant though, that death, disease, and suffering came into the world as a result of sin. God instituted death and bloodshed because of sin so man could be redeemed. As soon as Christians allow for death, suffering, and disease before sin, then the whole foundations of the message of the Cross and the Atonement have been destroyed. The doctrine of original sin, then, is totally undermined. If there were death, disease, and suffering before Adam rebelled-then what did sin do to the world? What does Paul mean in Romans 8 when he says the whole of creation groans in pain because of the Curse? How can all things be restored in the future to no more death and suffering, unless the beginning was also free of death and suffering? The whole message of the gospel falls apart if one allows millions of years for the creation of the world." - The Necessity for Believing in Six Literal Days by Ken Ham, emphases added.. Also hear Six Day Creation & The Eisegesis Problem by Ken Ham (Free MP3) and "The Doctrine Of Original Sin (26 Free MP3s) by Jonathan Edwards.

Earth’s Magnetic Field: Evidence that the Earth is Young, by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati

15 Creation Questions Evolutionists Can't Answer (Free Video, MP3 and Online Text)

The 10 Best Evidences From Science That Confirm A Young Earth (Free Online Articles From Answers In Genesis Answers Magazine & Other Free Creationist MP3s, Videos, Books, etc.)

Age of the Earth, 101 Evidences for a Young Age of the Earth and the Universe (Free MP3 and PDF) by Dr. Don Batten

Age of the Earth, 101 Evidences for a Young Age of the Earth and the Universe (Free MP3 and PDF) by Dr. Don Batten (Web Page)

Jesus is God! By Dr. C. Matthew McMahon

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the undeniable Biblical witness to the historical fact that Jesus Christ, the only Redeemer of men, is God. He alone made the claims, and the Biblical record makes this known repeatedly.

Apologetics and Christ's Resurrection, (Objections Answered) by Greg Price, Dr. Voddie Baucham, Charles Spurgeon, Dr. Matthew McMahon, Dr. Steven Dilday and Others (Free MP3s and PDFs)

Jim Dodson Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive


If you love the Bible, then you may well be Reformed. If you think of yourself as Reformed, but you have seldom or have never read older Reformed literature, prepare to be challenged. The Puritan Hard Drive provides primary sources and depth of theological and spiritual insight which is lacking in much of what is passed off as genuine Reformed theology. If you think of yourself as conservative, the older Puritan and Reformed authors will help you sort reality from myth in your quest to be truly Reformed. There are more solid resources for less money here than anywhere else. I highly recommend you take responsibility for your soul and spend a few shekels for this cup of cold water in the midst of the modern religious desert.

- Jim Dodson, Reformed Presbyterian Scholar,

Refuting William Lane Craig and Hugh Ross (Creation and Bible Compromisers)