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Calvin's Selected Works, Tracts and Letters (Volume 7) by John Calvin

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Calvin's Selected Works, Tracts and Letters (Volume 7)
John Calvin
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Volume seven of John Calvin's Selected Works, Tracts and Letters contains:

LETTERS, PART 2 1559-1564.

Edited by Jules Bonnet -- Translated by David Constable.



  • LETTER 522 -- TO WILLIAM CECIL -- Hopes connected with the accession of Elizabeth -- Wishes for the establishment of the pure gospel in England.
  • LETTER 523 -- TO THE PRISONERS OF PARIS. -- He apologizes for the silence which he has kept with respect to them, and exhorts them to persevere in the profession of the truth,.
  • LETTER 524 -- TO THE FRENCH CHURCH OF FRANKFORT. -- Warning on the subject of the new doctrines disseminated in this church.
  • LETTER 525 -- TO AUGUSTIN LEGRANT. -- Severe admonitions.
  • LETTER 526 -- TO MARTIN MICRONIUS. -- Progress of the Reformation in Sweden -- The dispatch of a writing -- News of Geneva, and Lausanne.
  • LETTER 527 -- TO THE PRINCE ROYAL OF SWEDEN. -- Dedication of a writing to Gustavus Wasa,.
  • LETTER 528 -- TO FAREL. -- Dispersion of the Churches of the Pays de Vaud,.
  • LETTER 529 -- TO MADAME DE COLIGNY. -- False tidings of the deliverance of the Admiral -- Consolations on that subject,.
  • LETTER 530 -- TO PETER MARTYR -- Calvin's illness -- Death of Lactanzio Ragnone -- Troubles of the Italian Church,.
  • LETTER 531 -- TO JEROME ZANCHI. -- Call to the ministry in the Church of Geneva,.
  • LETTER 532 -- TO FRANCIS BOISNORMAND. -- Regret for not having been able to have him called as Professor to the Academy of Geneva,.
  • LETTER 533 -- TO M. DE LA GAUCHERIE. -- Dissensions at the Court of the King of Navarre -- Spanish refugees -- Salutations to the young Prince of Bearn, afterwards Henry IV.
  • LETTER 534 -- TO M. DE COLONGES. -- Preliminaries of the Synod of Paris -- Sending of several ministers,.
  • LETTER 535 -- TO HOTMAN. -- Quarrels of Hotman with Francis Baudouin
  • LETTER 536 -- TO THE MARQUISE DE ROTHELIN. -- Sends one of his writings to the young Duke de Longueville -- Exhortatious to the Duke's mother,
  • LETTER 537 -- TO THE DUKE DE LONGUEVILLE. -- He exhorts him to abstain from all participation in the idolatries and disorders of the age,.
  • LETTER 538 -- TO WILLIAM CECIL. -- He exculpates himself to these ministers of the imputations brought against him on account of a writing of Knox's,
  • LETTER 539 -- TO THE BRETHREN OF FRANCE. -- Perseverance in the faiths -- Patience in persecutions -- Trust in God, who will sooner or lair take in hand the cause of his innocent followers,.
  • LETTER 540 -- TO THE CHURCH OF PARIS. -- Inutility of the steps taken in favor of the French Protestants -- he helplessness of men -- Fidelity of God,
  • LETTER 541 -- TO THE COUNT D'ERBACH. -- He offers him Christ inn congratulations, and consults him about a project of dedicating to the Elector Palatine the Book of the Institution,
  • LETTER 542 -- TO FRANCIS DANIEL. -- He pleads with Daniel in favor of one of his sons who had taken refuge at Geneva for the sake of religion,
  • LETTER 543 -- TO JOHN STURM. -- Complaints about the weakness and inactivity of the King of Navarre,
  • LETTER 544 -- TO THE DUKE DE LONGUEVILLE. -- He warns him of the dangers and temptations of the court,
  • LETTER 545 -- TO THE MARQUISE DE ROTHELIN. -- He urges her to show herself always more firm in the profession of the truth,
  • LETTER 546 -- TO PETER MARTYR. -- Sufferings of the French Protestants -- Gloomy apprehensions respecting the future,.
  • LETTER 547 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Reply of a German Prince -- Beza at Strasbourg -- Deplorable situation of the French Reformed -- Preludes of Civil Wars,
  • LETTER 548 -- TO MADAME DE GRAMMONT. -- Consolations on the subject of a domestic affliction,
  • LETTER 549 -- TO JOHN KNOX. -- Answers to different ecclesiastical questions,.
  • LETTER 550 -- TO FRANCIS DANIEL. -- News of young Daniel studying at the Academy of Geneva,
  • LETTER 551 -- TO MONSIEUR DE CLERVANT. -- Marks of sympathy on the occasion of the exile to which this seigneur was condemned,
  • LETTER 552 -- TO THE BRETHREN OF FRANCE. -- He exhorts them to redouble their faith to meet their redoubled persecutions, and to live and die for the confession of Jesus Christ, 1560.
  • LETTER 553 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Complaint of the unjust proceedings of Berne with respect to Geneva,.
  • LETTER 554 -- TO FRANCIS DANIEL. -- Counsels for the education of young Daniel,.
  • LETTER 555 -- TO JOHN STURM. -- Severe judgment respecting the conspiracy of Amboise,.
  • LETTER 556 -- TO JOHN GELLIN. -- He exhorts him to leave France in order to retire to Geneva,.
  • LETTER 557 -- TO THE CHURCH OF VALENCE. -- Christian exhortations -- The sending of a pastor,.
  • LETTER 558 -- TO THE CHURCH OF MONTELIMART. -- Eulogy of the Minister Francis de St. Paula -- Prudent counsels,.
  • LETTER 559 -- TO THE BISHOP OF LONDON. -- Recommendation of the French Church of London -- Eulogium of des Gallars -- Wish for a complete Reform of the Anglican Church,
  • LETTER 560 -- TO CHARLES UTENHOVEN. -- Tokens of lively interest for the French Church of London -- Perils of Geneva,.
  • LETTER 561 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Renewed disapprobation of the conspiracy of Amboise -- Account of the intrigues of Renaudie at Geneva Vain opposition of Calvin,.
  • LETTER 562 -- TO PETER MARTYR. -- Reverts to the conspiracy of Amboise -- Troubles in France -- Dangers of Geneva,
  • LETTER 563 -- TO STURM AND HOTMAN. -- Treacherous policy of the Guises -- New appeal addressed to the German Princes -- Petition to the king,.
  • LETTER 564 -- TO JOHN LUSEN. -- Anxieties about the Churches of Poland -- Refutation of the errors of Stancari,
  • LETTER 565 -- TO NICHOLAS DES GALLARS. -- Counsels for the direction of the Church -- Domestic news,.
  • LETTER 566 -- TO THE EAST OF BEDFORD. -- Agitations of Europe -- Wishes for the re-establishment of peace, and for the marriage of the Queen of England,.
  • LETTER 567 -- TO THE WALDENSES. -- He exhorts them to keep up friendly relations with the Reformed churches of Poland,...
  • LETTER 568 -- TO THE DUCHESS OF FERRARA. -- He apologizes for not having been able to send her a minister -- exhorts her to free herself from the obligation of an oath they have imposed on her, and to show herself more firm in the profession of the gospel,
  • LETTER 569 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Mission of Theodore Beza in France -- Counsels to the churches of that country -- Sending off of four pupils to Zurich -- Death of a minister of Geneva,
  • LETTER 570 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- Troubles in France -- Faults committed by the chiefs of the Reformed party -- Sluggishness of the King of Navarre,.
  • LETTER 571 -- TO SULCER. -- Movements in Italy -- Causes of the troubles in France -- States of Fontainebleau,.
  • LETTER 572 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Intrigues of the Guises in Germany, and of the Emperor in Italy -- New details respecting the Assembly of Fontainebleau -- Speeches of the Chancellor, and of the Bishop of Valence -- Progress of the gospel in France,.
  • LETTER 573 -- TO NICHOLAS DES GALLARS. -- Domestic details -- News of the Church and Academy of Geneva,
  • LETTER 574 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Conspiracy of Lyons -- Journey of the King of Navarre -- Expectation of grave events in France,.
  • LETTER 575 -- TO BULLINGER -- Alliance of the Catholic Cantons with the Duke of Savoy -- Uncertainty of the news from France -- Death at Geneva,.
  • LETTER 576 -- TO STURM. -- Mission of Hotman and Beza to the King of Navarre -- Apathy of that prince,.
  • LETTER 577 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Unsuccessful issue of Beza's mission to the King of Navarre -- Success respecting the communication of Melancthon's letter -- Intolerance of the German Theologians,.
  • LETTER 578 -- TO SULCER. -- The sending of a pastor to the Church of St. Marie aux Mines -- The arrival of the King of Navarre at the court -- Attestation of the Prince of Conde,.
  • LETTER 579 -- TO STURM. -- Death of King Francis II. -- Inconsiderate ardor of the Reformed -- Moderating action of Calvin,.
  • LETTER 580 -- TO THE MINISTERS OF PARIS. -- Counsels respecting his conduct addressed to the King of Navarre,
  • LETTER 581 -- TO THE REFORMED CHURCHES OF FRANCE. -- Project of assembling a councils -- conditions requisite for its legitimacy,. 1561.
  • LETTER 582 -- TO THE KING OF NAVARRE. -- He exhorts him to pursue with ardor the restoration of the gospel in France,
  • LETTER 583 -- TO THE QUEEN OF NAVARRE. -- He congratulates her on her conversion, and lays before her, her principal duties as a Christian princess,.
  • LETTER 584 -- TO THE ADMIRAL COLIGNY. -- Encomiums on the constancy of the Admiral -- Recommendation of Geneva,
  • LETTER 585 -- TO THE KING OF FRANCE. -- Reply to the accusations directed against the Church and Seigneury of Geneva,
  • LETTER 586 -- TO THE CHURCH OF PARIS. -- He apologizes for not being able to send to it new ministers -- Advice relating to the Council of Trent -- Disapprobation of the excesses committed by the Reformed in the south of France,
  • LETTER 587 -- TO JOHN LENING. -- Hostilities of the Duke of Savoy -- Diversion in the valleys of Piedmont and at Nice -- Unexpected preservation of Geneva,
  • LETTER 588 -- TO THE ADMIRAL DE COLIGNY. -- Au account and solemn disavowal of the conspiracy of Amboise,
  • LETTER 590 -- TO JOHN KNOX. -- Explanations on the subject of a letter -- Expression of satisfaction at the progress of the Reformation in Scotland and of sympathy for a domestic affliction,
  • LETTER 591 -- TO CHRISTOPHER GOODMAN. -- Pious admonitions on the occasion of the death of Knox's wife,
  • LETTER 592 -- TO THE CHURCH OF AIX. -- Duty of Christians to endure persecution without murmuring and without resistance,
  • LETTER 593 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Intrigues of Vergerio in Germany -- Portrait of the King of Navarre. -- Progress of the gospels -- Ardor of the French Protestants -- Popular massacres,
  • LETTER 594 -- TO AMBROSE BLAURER. -- News from France -- Mission of new ministers -- Rage of the Parliaments -- Lutheran Intolerance,.
  • LETTER 595 -- TO THE ADMIRAL DE COLIGNY. -- Pious exhortations -- Renewed recommendation of Geneva,
  • LETTER 596 -- TO THE KING OF NAVARRE. -- Keen censure of the foibles of this monarch,
  • LETTER 597 -- TO THE CHURCH OF NIMES. -- Ecclesiastical troubles, and counsels how to remedy them,
  • LETTER 598 -- TO JAMES STUART. -- He engages him to persevere in his pious efforts for the advancement of the reign of Jesus Christ in Scotland,
  • LETTER 599 -- TO THE ADMIRAL DE COLIGNY. -- He pays homage to the zeal of the Admiral and the constancy of the French Protestants,
  • LETTER 600 -- TO THE PASTORS OF ZURICH. -- A collection in favor of the Evangelical Churches of Piedmont,.
  • LETTER 601 -- TO THE CHURCH OF SAUVE. -- Energetic censure of the acts of Vandalism committed by a minister of this church,
  • LETTER 602 -- TO THE KING OF NAVARRE. -- Recommendation of Theodore Beza,
  • LETTER 603 -- TO PETER MARTYR. -- He exhorts him to repair to the religious conferences which are about to be held in France,
  • LETTER 604 -- TO SULCER. -- Journey of Beza and Martyr to France -- Preparations for the Colloquy of Poissy -- Intrigues at the court of Wurtemberg,
  • LETTER 605 -- TO THE KING OF NAVARRE. -- Warning on the subject of the Lutheran intrigues to introduce into France the Confession of Augsburg,
  • LETTER 606 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- Death of Guillaume de Trie -- Penury of ministers at Geneva,
  • LETTER 607 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- Fresh deaths at Geneva -- Distrust of the Cardinals of Lorraine and Ferrara,
  • LETTER 608 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- Doubts respecting the efficacy of the Colloquy of Poissy -- Policy of the Romish Prelates -- Criticism of the Augsburg Confessions -- Divers particulars,
  • LETTER 609 -- TO THE ADMIRAL DE COLIGNY. -- He puts him on his guard against the Catholic and Lutheran intrigues -- Recall of the minister Merlin to Geneva,
  • LETTER 610 -- TO MADAME DE COLIGNY. -- He congratulates her on her perseverance amidst many temptations and perils,
  • LETTER 611 -- TO THE COMTESSE DE ROYE. -- He encourages her to persevere with her daughters in the profession of the truth,
  • LETTER 612 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- He compliments him on his noble attitude at the Colloquy of Poissy, and rejoices at his success,
  • LETTER 613 -- TO THE COMTE OF ERBACH. -- He urges him to employ his influence to prevent every attempt to introduce the Confession of Augsburg into France,
  • LETTER 614 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- Ecclesiastical news -- Apostleship of Viret in France -- Reply to Baudouin,
  • LETTER 615 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- Blames the excesses committed by the Reformed -- Favorable dispositions of Catherine de Medicis -- Escape of the Duke of Nemours,
  • LETTER 616 -- TO SALIGNAC. -- Congratulations and encouragement's,
  • LETTER 617 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- Journey of Theodore Beza's wife to France -- Difficult situation of the Academy of Geneva -- Sending off of new ministers -- The Duke of Longueville, and the Duke of Nemours -- Divers salutations,
  • LETTER 618 -- TO THE QUEEN OF NAVARRE. -- Regret for the prolonged absence of Beza -- Writing against Baudouin -- Letter to the Queen of Navarre, mother of Jane d'Albret,
  • LETTER 619 -- TO THE KING OF NAVARRE. -- Severe judgment respecting the conduct of this prince, a renegado from the Reformed religion, 1562.
  • LETTER 620 -- TO M. DE COLONGES. -- Answer to three questions,
  • LETTER 621 -- TO M. DE PASSY. -- He urges him to accept the functions of an evangelical minister,
  • LETTER 622 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- Catholic League -- Recommendations of the family of Guillaume de Frie -- Last words of that Seigneur,
  • LETTER 623 -- TO THEODORE BEZA. -- Imprudent concession made to the Catholic prelates -- Regrets and warnings of Calvin,
  • LETTER 624 -- TO THE DUCHESS OF FERRARA. -- League against the Reformation -- Complaints respecting the conduct of the Duchess of Guise,
  • LETTER 625 -- TO BULLINGER. -- News of Frances -- Disorders at Aix -- Progress of the gospel -- Negotiations with the court -- Synod of Neuchatel,
  • LETTER 626 -- TO PETER MARTYR. -- Disorders the precursors of the civil wars in France -- Opposition of the Reformer to the Council of Trent,
  • LETTER 627 -- TO THE QUEEN OF NAVARRE. -- Expression of warm sympathy for the trials of this princess,
  • LETTER 628 -- TO STURM. -- Mission Of Bude into Germany -- Duplicity of the Guises.
  • LETTER 629 -- TO THE CHURCH OF LYONS. -- Severe admonitions because of the conduct of one of its ministers,
  • LETTER 630 -- TO THE BARON DES ADRETS. -- He exhorts him to repress severely the disorders of those of his party at Lyons,
  • LETTER 631 -- TO MONSIEUR DE DIESBACH. -- He Urges him to send succor to the Reformed who were besieged in Lyons,
  • LETTER 632 -- TO BULLINGER. -- An appeal addressed to the Seigneurs of Berne in favor of the French Protestants -- Succors from England and Germany -- Juridical massacres at Toulouse -- Preliminaries of the civil war,
  • LETTER 633 -- TO BULLINGER. -- A petition in favor of a prisoner of the inquisition at Milan,
  • LETTER 634 -- TO THE CHURCHES OF LANGUEDOC. -- A collection for the benefit of the German soldiers enrolled under the banner of the Reformed churches,
  • LETTER 635 -- TO SULCER. -- Political and military news from France -- Catherine de Medicis -- The Emperor Ferdinand -- The Turks -- The Queen of England -- Complaints against Peter Toussain,
  • LETTER 636 -- TO BULLINGER. -- First religious war -- Respective force of the two parties -- Siege of Lyons -- The Duke of Nemours -- Des Adrets -- News of Germany, and the Council of Trent, 1563.
  • LETTER 637 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Battle of Dreux -- Captivity of Conde -- Imposing attitude of Coligny -- Theodore Beza at Orleans -- Mission of the Cardinal de Lorraine to Germany -- False news from France,
  • LETTER 638 -- TO THE QUEEN OF NAVARRE. -- Counsels for the abolition of the Catholic worship and the establishment of the pure gospel in Navarre,
  • LETTER 639 -- TO M. DE SOUBISE. -- He exhorts him to lay down arms after the conclusion of a treaty disadvantageous to his party,
  • LETTER 640 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Treaty of Amboise -- Strictures on this treaty concluded by the Prince of Conde without the approbation of Coligny and the principal Protestant chiefs,
  • LETTER 641 -- TO THE COMTESSE DE ROYE. -- He blames the conduct of the Prince of Conde, and deplores the condition of the French churches badly protected by the last treaty,
  • LETTER 642 -- TO THE MARQUISE DE ROTHELIN. -- He congratulates her on her firmness in the midst of troubles, and exhorts her to perseverance,
  • LETTER 643 -- TO M. DE CRUSSOL. -- Sad condition of France, presage of new troubles -- Double message to the Prince of Conde and De Coligny,
  • LETTER 644 -- TO MADAME DE CRUSSOL. -- Wishes for the happy success of the journey to court, which she is about to undertake -- Pious exhortations,
  • LETTER 645 -- TO THE PRINCE PORCIEN. -- He exhorts him to glorify God in life as in death,
  • LETTER 646 -- TO THE PRINCE OF CONDE. -- Instructions respecting the greatest advantages to be derived from the treaty of Amboise -- The sending off of a confession of faith to Germany -- Alliance with Swisserland -- Recommendation of Geneva,
  • LETTER 647 -- TO THE DUCHESS OF FERRARA. -- He congratulates her on her noble conduct amidst the civil wars -- Exhorts her to keep her house free from all scandal, and recommends to her an ancient servant,
  • LETTER 648 -- TO MONSIEUR DE SOUBISE -- Counsels respecting the conduct he ought to hold in very difficult conjunctures,
  • LETTER 649 -- TO THE QUEEN OF NAVARRE. -- Sending off ministers -- Claiming of a debt contracted by. the King of Navarre,
  • LETTER 650 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Sufferings of Calvin -- News of the court and kingdom of France -- Precautions against the Confession of Augsburg,
  • LETTER 651 -- TO BULLINGER. -- News of France -- Reply of Coligny and Theodore Beza to a calumnious accusation -- Siege of Havre,
  • LETTER 652 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Disturbances at Rouen -- Uncertainty respecting the projects of Coligny -- Calm at Lyons,
  • LETTER 653 -- TO MONSIEUR DE CRUSSOL. -- Answer to some scruples expressed, by this seigneur,
  • LETTER 654 -- TO THE ADMIRAL DE COLIGNY. -- Communications respecting the printing of a memorial -- Wishes for the prompt return of the Admiral to the court,
  • LETTER 655 -- TO MADAME DE COLIGNY. -- The Christian uses of sickness,
  • LETTER 656 -- TO THE COMTESSE DE SENINGHEN. -- He exhorts her to show herself firm in the profession of the faith and patient in affliction,
  • LETTER 657 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Taking of Havre from the English -- Majority of King Charles IX. -- Movements of the Duke of Savoy,
  • LETTER 658 -- TO THE PRINCE OF CONDE. -- Request concerning the publication of a confession of faith -- Blame of the gallantries of the prince,
  • LETTER 659 -- TO BULLINGER. -- News of France -- Humiliation of the Parliament of Paris and of the Guises -- False news of the death of the Duke of Savoy,
  • LETTER 660 -- TO MERCER. -- New proposals of a chair in the Academy of Genera,
  • LETTER 661 -- TO M. DE LOINES. -- Councilor in the court of Parliament of Paris -- Exhortation not to abandon his office of councilor and still less the truth,
  • LETTER 662 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Versatile. policy of Catherine de Medicis -- Departure of Conde -- Favor of Coligny -- Intolerance of the Guises -- Oppression of the Protestants in the provinces -- Necessity for assuring to them some guaranties, 1564.
  • LETTER 663 -- TO THE DUCHESS OF FERRARA. -- Counsels for the direction of her household -- Present of a medal,
  • LETTER 664 -- TO THE DUCHESS OF FERRARA. -- Answer to a letter of this princess concerning the condemnation of the Duke of Guise and the beatification of the King of Navarre -- Is it lawful to hate our enemies -- Eulogy of Coligny,
  • LETTER 665 -- TO THE PHYSICIANS OR MONTPELLIER. -- Medical consultation,
  • LETTER 666 -- TO THE DUCHESS OF FERRARA. -- Homage rendered to the piety of this princess -- Eulogy of her niece the Duchess of Savoy,
  • LETTER 667 -- TO BULLINGER. -- Sufferings of Calvin and the inefficacy of the healing art to relieve them -- News of France and Germany,
  • LETTER 668 -- TO FAREL. -- Last adieus, 


  • LETTER 1 -- TO FRANCIS DANIEL. -- Preparations for his departure for Switzerland -- Recommendation of a physician, 1538.
  • LETTER 2 -- TO BUCER. -- Unsuccessful, results of the Colloquy of Berne -- Sacramentarian discord -- Remarkable judgment concerning Luther -- Violence of the Bernese Minister Conzen -- Appeal to Bucer,
  • LETTER 3 -- TO BULLINGER. -- An account of the conferences at Berne -- Vain attempt at reconciliation between Geneva and the exiled ministers -- Sad state of this church after the banishment of Farel and Calvin, 1539.
  • LETTER 4 -- TO ZEBEDEE. -- Pressing invitations to concord -- Apology for Bucer -- Judgment respecting Zwingli, Luther, Carlostadt -- Necessity of union, 1546.
  • LETTER 5 -- TO VIRET. -- Tragical death of one of the chiefs of the Libertine party at Geneva -- Discourse pronounced by Calvin on this occasion. 1548.
  • LETTER 6 -- TO VIRET. -- Mention of Servetus -- Marriage of the minister Merlin -- Epistolary vexations,
  • LETTER 7 -- TO BRENTZ. -- Message of consolation and fraternal sympathy, 411 1552.
  • LETTER 8 -- TO AMBROSE BLAURER. -- Sends him divers works -- News of Italy -- Belgium and France -- Disturbances in Germany -- Chastisement of Constance,
  • LETTER 9 -- TO FRANCIS DRYANDER. -- Consultation on the subject of a new edition of the Bibles -- Troubles in Geneva -- Apology of Calvin for himself, 1553.
  • LETTER 10 -- TO FAREL. -- Misunderstanding between Farel and his colleague Christopher Fabri -- Attempt to reconcile them, 1555.
  • LETTER 11 -- TO CHRISTOPHER PIPERIN. -- Trials and tribulations of Calvin at Geneva,
  • LETTER 12 -- TO COUNT TARNOW. -- An exhortation strenuously to promote the propagation of the Gospel in Poland, 1557.
  • LETTER 13 -- TO GODFREY VARAGLIA. -- Exhortation to Martyrdom, 1558.
  • LETTER 14 -- TO MACAR. -- Congratulations on the zeal which he displays at Paris -- Difficulties that stand in the way of sending off new ministers -- Letter of the king of Navarre -- Divers particulars,
  • LETTER 15 -- TO MACAR. -- Community Of Sufferings between the churches of Paris and Geneva -- Hope of better days, AN HISTORICAL CALUMNY REFUTED,

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