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Pastor Scott Brown, on the left in the video above, is the Director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches (NCFIC)

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Dr. Voddie Baucham Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

Pastor Greg Price on the Puritan Hard Drive

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"For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven" (Psalm 119:89).

There are two major ways in which the Puritan Hard Drive is a biblical hard drive collection. The first is the Puritan Hard Drive  contains a number of rare and classic Reformation and Puritan Bibles. The second is the Puritan Hard Drive contains many of the best and most biblical books, MP3s and videos ever produced.


Selected Quotes on the Scriptures

Charles Spurgeon

"We shall not adjust our Bible to the age; but before we have done with it, by God's grace, we shall adjust the age to the Bible." - Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Noah Webster

"The Bible is the chief moral cause of all that is good, and the best corrective of all that is evil, in human society; the best Book for regulating the temporal concerns of men, and the only Book that can serve as an infallible guide - the principles of genuine liberty, and of wise laws and administrations, are to be drawn from the Bible and sustained by its authority. The man therefore, who weakens or destroys the Divine authority of that Book may be accessory to all the public disorders which society is doomed to suffer" - Noah Webster

Matthew Henry

"We must be well-grounded in plain truths and duties, and those must first be well-digested, before we dive into those things that are dark and difficult - many run themselves into confusion by beginning their Bible at the wrong end." - Matthew Henry

Michael Faraday

"The Bible, and it alone, with nothing added to it nor taken away from it by man, is the sole and sufficient guide for each individual, at all times and in all circumstances... faith in the Divinity and work of Christ is the gift of God, and the evidence of this faith is obedience to the commandments of Christ." - Sir Michael Faraday, the scientist who discovered electromagnetic induction and invented the generator.

"The Scriptures teach us the best way of living, the noblest way of suffering, and the most comfortable way of dying." - John Flavel

"It is a miracle how God has so long preserved His Book! How great and glorious it is to have the Word of God!" - Martin Luther

"Doers of the Word are the best hearers." - Thomas Watson

"The Bible is the sceptre by which the Heavenly King rules His Church." - John Calvin

"The Word of God is above the Church." - Thomas Cranmer

"The Bible is worth all the other books which have ever been printed." - Patrick Henry

"The Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible is the religion of Christ's Church." - Charles Spurgeon

"I have done nothing; the Word has done and accomplished everything." - Martin Luther

"Backsliders begin with dusty Bibles and end with filthy garments." - Charles Haddon Spurgeon

"The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all of our civil constitutions and laws... All the miseries and evils which men suffer from - crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery and war - proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible." - Noah Webster

Dr. Joel R. Beeke Reviews and Recommends
the Puritan Hard Drive


Dr. Joel R. Beeke, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

The Puritan Hard Drive is a massive collection of primary Puritan resources, dozens of which are very hard to find anywhere else in the world.

Any lover of Puritan literature, which, more than any other body of literature ever written, powerfully expands our minds, convicts our consciences, allures our hearts, and moves our hands, will find a treasure trove here.

- Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Author of many important Reformed books (including the must read, Meet the Puritans: With A Guide to Modern Reprints,, Editorial Director at Reformation Heritage Books, Editor of the Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth magazine and Pastor of Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.


Buy the Puritan Hard Drive

(This free software includes over 300 Reformation and Puritan Books and MP3s, and the Puritan Hard Drive software and database!)


Click here for more information on the Puritan Hard Drive.


Download the free PDF, "How to Find Specific Words and Phrases in Searchable Books.pdf", to learn more.

 Phone Orders:
(780) 450-3730

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Dr. Joel Beeke Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive

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